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Phonetic spelling of thyme

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Meanings for thyme

leaves can be used as seasoning for almost any meat and stews and stuffings and vegetables
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any of various mints of the genus Thymus
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lemon thyme
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Wiki content for thyme

Thyme - Thyme () is any member of the genus Thymus of aromatic perennial evergreen herbs in the mint family Lamiaceae.
Thymelaeaceae - The Thymelaeaceae are a cosmopolitan family of flowering plants composed of 50 genera (listed below) and 898 species.
Thyme (band) - Thyme was a Japanese pop/rock band. Originally, it was a solo project by the female singer Thyme, who had previously released three singles in 2002 as Sayaka Kamiyama.
Thymelicus - Thymelicus is a Palearctic genus in the skipper butterfly family, Hesperiidae. It is the only member of the tribe Thymelini, but many skipper butterflies are yet to be assigned to tribes, so
Thymectomy - A thymectomy is an operation to remove the thymus. It usually results in remission of myasthenia gravis with the help of medication including steroids.
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Translations of thyme

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