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Pronunciation of thetes with 3 audio pronunciations
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Phonetic spelling of thetes

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Meanings for thetes

The thetes were the lowest social citizens and workers for wages.
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Wiki content for thetes

Theresa May - Theresa Mary May (; née Brasier; born 1 October 1956) is a British politician who served as the prime minister of the United Kingdom and leader of the Conservative Party from 2016 to 2019. Ma
Thesis - A thesis or dissertation is a document submitted in support of candidature for an academic degree or professional qualification presenting the author's research and findings.
Theresienstadt Ghetto - Theresienstadt (Czech: Terezín [ˈtɛrɛziːn]) was a hybrid concentration camp and ghetto established by the SS during World War II in the fortress town Terezín, located in the Protectorate of B
Thebes, Greece - Thebes (; Greek: Θήβα, Thíva [ˈθiva]; Ancient Greek: Θῆβαι, Thêbai [tʰɛ̂ːbai̯]) is a city in Boeotia, central Greece.
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Examples of thetes in a sentence

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