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Wiki content for Tayeba

Tayeba Begum Lipi - Tayeba Begum Lipi (born 1969) is a Bangladeshi artist and the co-founder of Britto Arts Trust. She has received the Grand Prize at the Asian Art Biennale in Dhaka (2004).
Taybad - Taybad (Persian: تايباد‎, also Romanized as Tāybād, Taīabad, and Tayebad; also known as Tāyebāt and Ţayyebāt) is a city and capital of Taybad County, in Razavi Khorasan Province, Iran.
Taye Babalola - Agboola Babalola Taye (born August 7, 1991) known as Taye Babalola, is a Nigerian professional football player currently playing for Israeli National League club, Maccabi Ahi Nazareth as a De
Tayeb Abdallah - Al-Tayeb Abdallah (died February 24, 2007) was a former Sudanese president of the Sudanese football (soccer) club Al-Hilal (Omdurman).
Tayeb Saddiki - Tayeb Saddiki (5 January 1939 – 5 February 2016) was a Moroccan playwright, writing in both Arabic and French.
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day-ni dii-vee-toy
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