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Meanings for tapper

a person who strikes a surface lightly and usually repeatedly
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a tavern keeper who taps kegs or casks
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An American journalist, who has gained immense recognition for the television program "State of the Union with Jake Tapper".
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Wiki content for tapper

Tapper - Tapper may refer to:
Tapper (video game) - Tapper, also known as Root Beer Tapper, is a 1983 arcade game developed by Marvin Glass and Associates and released by Bally Midway.
Tapper Zukie - Tapper Zukie (or Tappa Zukie) (born David Sinclair, 1955, Kingston, Jamaica) is a reggae deejay and producer.
Tapper World Tour - Tapper World Tour is an arcade game for iOS and is a modern reinterpretation of the classic arcade game Tapper, released in 1983 by Bally Midway.
Tapper-class patrol boat - The Tapper class are a class of patrol boats in service with the Swedish Navy since the 1990s (the word tapper means "brave" in Swedish).
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Examples of in a sentence

The signals must therefore be sent at regular intervals, and to ensure this being done correctly a telephone or time-tapper is provided at each keyboard to warn the operator of the correct moment to depress his keys.
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Marconi, by giving great attention to details, improved the electromagnetic tapper, and, combining it with his improved form of sensitive tube, made a telegraphic instrument as follows: the small glass tube, containing nickel and silver filings between two silver plugs, was attached to a bone holder
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finger tappers irritated her
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tapper should be in sentence

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Translations of tapper

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tapper pronunciation with meanings, synonyms, antonyms, translations, sentences and more

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