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Phonetic spelling of Tanaia

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Meanings for Tanaia

A feminine name that is of Native American origin.
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Wiki content for Tanaia

Tanaiang - Tanaiang is a settlement in Kiribati. It is located on an atoll; to its west is Nuribenua, while Eita and Terikiai lie to the east.
Tanana Athabaskans - The Tanana Athabaskans, Tanana Athabascans or Tanana Athapaskans are an Alaskan Athabaskan peoples of the Athabaskan-speaking ethnolinguistic group.
Tanauan, Batangas - Tanauan, officially the City of Tanauan (Tagalog: Lungsod ng Tanauan) or simply known as Tanauan City, is a 2nd class city in the province of Batangas, Philippines, Captaincy General of the P
Tanauan, Leyte - Tanauan, officially the Municipality of Tanauan, is a 2nd class municipality in the province of Leyte, Philippines.
Tanabata - Tanabata (Japanese: たなばた or 七夕, meaning "Evening of the seventh"), also known as the Star Festival (星祭り Hoshi matsuri), is a Japanese festival originating from the Chinese Qixi Festival.
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Examples of Tanaia in a sentence

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Translations of Tanaia

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