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Pronunciation of takfiris with 2 audio pronunciations
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Phonetic spelling of takfiris

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Meanings for takfiris

It refers to a Muslim who summons another Muslim to be an atheist.
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Wiki content for takfiris

Examples of in a sentence

North Africa's al-Qaeda names new leader as Takfiris expand foothold
Listen North Africa's al-Qaeda names new leader as Takfiris expand foothold pronunciation
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Egyptian Army says 27 'takfiris' killed, 114 suspects arrested as part of Operation Sinai 2018
Listen Egyptian Army says 27 'takfiris' killed, 114 suspects arrested as part of Operation Sinai 2018 pronunciation
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Six 'takfiris' killed in past week of Operation Sinai 2018: Egypt Armed Forces
Listen Six 'takfiris' killed in past week of Operation Sinai 2018: Egypt Armed Forces pronunciation
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Translations of takfiris

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Trending news on takfiris

Six 'takfiris' killed in past week of Operation Sinai 2018: Egypt Armed Forces
Listen Six 'takfiris' killed in past week of Operation Sinai 2018: Egypt Armed Forces pronunciation
Six "takfiris" were killed by the Egyptian army during two separate counter-terrorism raids in North Sinai during the past week, with one army officer and one soldier killed in ongoing secur..View article
image-unavailable Hebdo Ahram
Egyptian Army says 27 'takfiris' killed, 114 suspects arrested as part of Operation Sinai 2018
Listen Egyptian Army says 27 'takfiris' killed, 114 suspects arrested as part of Operation Sinai 2018 pronunciation
The Egyptian army and police in North and Central Sinai have killed 27 “takfiris” and arrested 114 suspects, 21 of which had criminal records, during the past few days. A seven-minute video..View article
image-unavailable Hebdo Ahram
North Africa's al-Qaeda names new leader as Takfiris expand foothold
Listen North Africa's al-Qaeda names new leader as Takfiris expand foothold pronunciation
The North African offshoot of the al-Qaeda terrorist group has reportedly appointed a new leader after confirming the death of its former leader killed in June, as Takfiri outfits continue t..View article
image-unavailable GlobalSecurity.org

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