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International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)
IPA : tɑːˈɪərə
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Wiki content for taira

Taira clan - Taira clan (平氏, Hei-shi) was a major Japanese clan of samurai.
Taira no Masakado - Taira no Masakado (平 将門, died March 25, 940) was a samurai in the Heian period of Japan, who led one of the largest insurgent forces in the period against the central government of Kyoto.
Taira no Kiyomori - Taira no Kiyomori (平 清盛, 1118 – March 20, 1181) was a military leader of the late Heian period of Japan.
Taira no Tokuko - Taira no Tokuko (Taira no Tokushi) (平 徳子, 1155–1213), later known as Kenreimon-in (建礼門院), was the daughter of the Chancellor Taira no Kiyomori and Taira no Tokiko.
Taira Shinken - Shinken Taira (平 信賢, Taira Shinken, 1897–1970) was a Japanese martial artist, born as Shinken Maezato (前里 信賢, Maezato Shinken) in 1897 on Kume island in the Ryūkyū archipelago.
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Examples of in a sentence

Mission Paani- A Raingarden is Born: Tia & Taira
Listen Mission Paani- A Raingarden is Born: Tia & Taira pronunciation
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Fall of the Taira Clan, 1985-1999
Listen Fall of the Taira Clan, 1985-1999 pronunciation
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Baseball: Dragons' Ono outduels Taira to win 6th shutout
Listen Baseball: Dragons' Ono outduels Taira to win 6th shutout pronunciation
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Trending news on taira

Fall of the Taira Clan, 1985-1999
Listen Fall of the Taira Clan, 1985-1999 pronunciation
The Heike (Taira) family leaves the capital facing an imminent attack by Kiso Yoshinaka, together with young Emperor Antoku and Sanshu-no-jingi (the three Sacred Treasures), on July 25th, 11..View article
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Baseball: Dragons' Ono outduels Taira to win 6th shutout
Listen Baseball: Dragons' Ono outduels Taira to win 6th shutout pronunciation
The 32-year-old lefty allowed six hits while striking out nine to improve to 10-5 after his teammates scored their lone run in the first inning off DeNA right-hander Kentaro Taira (3-5 ...
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Mission Paani- A Raingarden is Born: Tia & Taira
Listen Mission Paani- A Raingarden is Born: Tia & Taira pronunciation
It just took two young women and their iron will to change the social and natural landscape of a once nondescript colony. Meet Tia and Taira who have created a raingarden out of a dump. Apar..View article
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