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International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)
IPA : ˈtæktaɪl
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Examples of in a sentence

Visual motion information modulates tactile roughness perception
Listen Visual motion information modulates tactile roughness perception pronunciation
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Tactile Medical was one of Minnesota's top-performing stocks over the past few years, until coronavirus
Listen Tactile Medical was one of Minnesota's top-performing stocks over the past few years, until coronavirus pronunciation
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A metal-electrode-free, fully integrated, soft triboelectric sensor array for self-powered tactile sensing
Listen A metal-electrode-free, fully integrated, soft triboelectric sensor array for self-powered tactile sensing pronunciation
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For the love of a deckle edge: John Warner notes the tactile pleasures of reading unevenly bound pages
Listen For the love of a deckle edge: John Warner notes the tactile pleasures of reading unevenly bound pages pronunciation
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Tactile Computer Interface With Electromagnets
Listen Tactile Computer Interface With Electromagnets pronunciation
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Trending news on tactile

Linear brick wall conceals earthy and tactile interiors of Devon Passivhaus
Listen Linear brick wall conceals earthy and tactile interiors of Devon Passivhaus pronunciation
A linear red-brick wall obscures the textured interiors and art-filled courtyard hidden inside McLean Quinlan's low-rise Passivhaus home in Devon, UK.
Dezeen on MSN.com Dezeen on MSN.com
YSG carries out tactile overhaul of Budge Over Dover house in Sydney
Listen YSG carries out tactile overhaul of Budge Over Dover house in Sydney pronunciation
Terracotta brick, aged brass, and aubergine-hued plaster are some of the materials that YSG has included in its revamp of Budge Over Dover house.
Dezeen on MSN.com Dezeen on MSN.com
Global Automotive Tactile Switches Market Status and Outlook (2015-2025)
Listen Global Automotive Tactile Switches Market Status and Outlook (2015-2025) pronunciation
The Automotive Tactile Switches market report provides a detailed analysis of global market size, regional and country-level market size, segmentation market growth, market share, competitiv..View article
openpr.com openpr.com
Khloe Kardashian and Tristan Thompson's tactile moment pictured as they 'rekindle romance'
Listen Khloe Kardashian and Tristan Thompson's tactile moment pictured as they 'rekindle romance' pronunciation
Khloe Kardashian and Tristan Thompson have fanned rumours that they are back together after the sportsman struggled to keep his hands off the curvy reality star this week
The Mirror The Mirror
A metal-electrode-free, fully integrated, soft triboelectric sensor array for self-powered tactile sensing
Listen A metal-electrode-free, fully integrated, soft triboelectric sensor array for self-powered tactile sensing pronunciation
Self-powered triboelectric tactile sensors with high sensitivity, reduced crosstalk, and simple processing routes are highly desirable. Herein, we introduce a facile and low-cost fabrication..View article
Nature Nature
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