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International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)
IPA : ˈtæktf(ə)l
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Phonetic spelling of tactful

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Meanings for tactful

To be able to say the right thing to a person without being offensive.
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tactful person
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Synonyms for tactful

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Antonyms for tactful

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Examples of in a sentence

Two distinctive nationalities, Belgian and Dutch, were tactful and conciliatory policy of the most consummate statesman of his time could unite those whom the whole trend of events was year by year putting farther asunder.
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The value of a tactful and efficient intermediary can hardly be over-estimated, and in the East a personal interview of a few minutes of ten results in the conclusion of some important matter which would otherwise require the exchange of a long and laborious correspondence.
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He had a quick eye for character, was genuinely amiable, uncontentious, tactful, masterful; and it may be assumed from his success that he was wary or shrewd to a degree.
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In the few tactful and charming lines of this brief note, the apostle sends him back to his master with a plea for kindly treatment.
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Scout realizes that her question about her aunt and uncle was not tactful and may have been offensive or, at least, embarrassing
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tactful should be in sentence

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