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Phonetic spelling of sykes

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Meanings for sykes

It is an English surname.
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Wiki content for sykes

Sykes - Sykes may refer to:
Sykes–Picot Agreement - The Sykes–Picot Agreement was a 1916 secret treaty between the United Kingdom and France, with assent from the Russian Empire and Italy, to define their mutually agreed spheres of influence
Sykesville, Maryland - Sykesville is a small town in Carroll County, Maryland, United States. The town lies 20 miles (32 km) west of Baltimore and 40 miles (64 km) north of Washington D.C.
Sykes Enterprises - Sykes Enterprises, Incorporated, stylized as SYKES. is an American multinational business process outsourcing provider which is headquartered in Tampa, Florida.
Sykes and a... - Sykes and a... is a black-and-white British sitcom starring Eric Sykes and Hattie Jacques that aired on BBC 1 from 1960 to 1965. It was written by Eric Sykes, Johnny Speight, John Antrobus an
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Examples of in a sentence

LDC sells Pure Cottages to Vitruvian's Sykes Holiday Cottages
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Cover Stars 2020: Hays Travel’s Gemma Sykes visits a Disney park for the first time
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Sykes Seafood agrees deal with Dutch Seafood Company for Klaas Puul
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The Sykes
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What's in our comedy Top 10 for fall 2014? Penn & Teller and Ferguson and Sykes
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Trending news on sykes

LDC sells Pure Cottages to Vitruvian's Sykes Holiday Cottages
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unquote.com unquote.com
Cover Stars 2020: Hays Travel’s Gemma Sykes visits a Disney park for the first time
Q. How did you feel when you found out you had won a place on the final Cover Stars trip? A. I was working at Thomas Cook in Bridgend at the time. As this was the final one, I gave it a go...View article
Travel Weekly Travel Weekly
Sykes Holiday Cottages expands UK portfolio with fresh ...
Sykes Holiday Cottages is to acquire Pure Cottages Group from private equity investor LDC for an undisclosed sum. Pure Cottages Group is a collection of five luxury holiday rental agencies,..View article
Travel Weekly Travel Weekly
Sykes Holiday Cottages acquires Pure Cottages Group
These brands will join Sykes’ existing regional brand portfolio, which includes Cornish Cottage Holidays, Helpful Holidays and Menai Holidays. The acquisition follows a record year for Sykes..View article
ttgmedia.com ttgmedia.com
Black Twitter Swears This Baby With A Perfect Afro Looks Just Like Wanda Sykes
When I saw that Wanda Sykes was trending over the weekend, I almost had a heart attack. I thought something awful happened to her. Thankfully, that was not the case. What was really going on..View article
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