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Meanings for swell

cause to become swollen
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a crescendo followed by a decrescendo
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a rounded elevation (especially one on an ocean floor)
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increase in size, magnitude, number, or intensity
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come up
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Wiki content for swell

Examples of in a sentence

Anti-Citizenship Law Demonstrations Swell Across India, But Who Is Protesting For What?
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As protests swell, these nations tell travellers to avoid India
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'You are going to divide, we are going to multiply': Indian police ban protests over citizenship law but rallies instead swell
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Remembering the Swell of 1969
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Why your fingers swell up when you eat salty food
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{{phrase.phrase }}
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swell should be in sentence

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Translations of swell

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Trending news on swell

Modi seeks to soothe India's Muslims as deadly protests swell over law excluding them
NEW DELHI – Prime Minister Narendra Modi sought Sunday to reassure India’s Muslims as a wave of deadly protests against a new citizenship law put his Hindu nationalist government under press..View article
The Japan Times The Japan Times
Not all swell with Airwave
“This is just the first lap of the race.” The Airwave will mimic a surf reef’s shallow leading edge, lifting, peaking and hollowing the swell to create a concave tapered wall of water or wav..View article
The West Australian The West Australian
Why your fingers swell up when you eat salty food
Ever eat a bag of chips or a bunch of mozzarella sticks, only to look down and realize your fingers have swollen to twice their normal size? It’s not your imagination — your fingers really a..View article
The Active Times on MSN.com The Active Times on MSN.com
'You are going to divide, we are going to multiply': Indian police ban protests over citizenship law but rallies instead swell
NEW DELHI – Police detained several hundred protesters in some of India’s biggest cities Thursday as they defied bans on assembly that authorities imposed to stop widespread demonstrations a..View article
The Japan Times The Japan Times
As protests swell, these nations tell travellers to avoid India
Indian cities are in turmoil, and the world is wary. Several countries have deemed India an unsafe travel destination in the wake of protests against the country’s new citizenship law turnin..View article
Quartz Quartz
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