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Pronunciation of Timbuktu with 1 audio pronunciations
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Phonetic spelling of Timbuktu

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Meanings for Timbuktu

En populär stad som ligger i mali, som är populär för sina historiska imperier.
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Collections on Timbuktu

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Wiki content for Timbuktu

Examples of in a sentence

Mali: Prevention is better than cure – vaccinating against measles in Timbuktu
Listen Mali: Prevention is better than cure – vaccinating against measles in Timbuktu pronunciation
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Timbuktu öppnar ny digital scen för livemusik
Listen Timbuktu öppnar ny digital scen för livemusik pronunciation
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Timbuktu: Empire of Knowledge
Listen Timbuktu: Empire of Knowledge pronunciation
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COVID-19 cases mount at the ends of the Earth in Timbuktu
Listen COVID-19 cases mount at the ends of the Earth in Timbuktu pronunciation
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'Whether you’re from Timbuktu or Tipperary, running is something we can all do'
Listen 'Whether you’re from Timbuktu or Tipperary, running is something we can all do' pronunciation
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{{phrase.phrase }}
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Trending news on Timbuktu

Prevention is better than cure – vaccinating against measles in Timbuktu
Listen Prevention is better than cure – vaccinating against measles in Timbuktu pronunciation
We’re lucky it’s not raining today.” Despite the official end of the war in 2015, Timbuktu region in northern Mali remains tense, and security incidents and criminality have had a significan..View article
image-unavailable ReliefWeb
'Whether you’re from Timbuktu or Tipperary, running is something we can all do'
Listen 'Whether you’re from Timbuktu or Tipperary, running is something we can all do' pronunciation
Maria Moynihan meets members of The Sanctuary Runners and Sligo Global Kitchen; two projects that are building bridges between asylum seekers and refugees and the local community in rural Ir..View article
Irish Farmers Journal Irish Farmers Journal
I Don’t Want to Die Here in Timbuktu
He was happy in a Gettysburg field, before he turned 13. That was the year his father’s body launched its own Civil War.
Psychiatric Times Psychiatric Times
COVID-19 cases mount at the ends of the Earth in Timbuktu
Listen COVID-19 cases mount at the ends of the Earth in Timbuktu pronunciation
Harandane Toure started taking malaria pills when he first spiked a fever but as the days passed his illness only worsened.
Timbuktu: Empire of Knowledge
Listen Timbuktu: Empire of Knowledge pronunciation
Imagine a legendary city in 16th century West Africa where thousands of Black African students pondered over the latest ideas in science, mathematics, and medicine.
Islam21c Islam21c
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Translations of Timbuktu

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