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Pronunciation of stroll with 2 audio pronunciations
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International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)
IPA : strəʊl
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Examples of in a sentence

Woah, baby! Bull goes for a stroll in Town of LeRay
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Take a stroll through Ritzy’s Fantasy of Lights on Christmas
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Weather forces significant drop in Stroll on State attendance
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Stroll On State draws nearly 22,000 in 2019 despite gloomy weather
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Shop and stroll in Champaign on Saturday
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Trending news on stroll

Stroll on State seeks community feedback through survey
ROCKFORD, Ill. (WIFR) -- With the seventh annual Stroll on State celebration in the books, organizers seek feedback in hopes to improve the festivities. Go Rockford has offered a survey seek..View article
Stroll on State asking for feedback from community
ROCKFORD (WREX) — Organizers for Stroll on State are asking for the community's feedback on how to improve the event. To take the survey, CLICK HERE. The survey asks for feedback on how well..View article
This weekend, take a stroll through a winter wonderland at this Christmas walkthrough
ANGOLA, N.Y. (WIVB) – Earlier this year, a new haunted attraction in the Southtowns was voted Buffalo’s Best Haunted Attraction. EverHaunt wrapped up its scares for the season less than two..View article
Despite the cold and rain, thousands visited Stroll on State
ROCKFORD, Ill. (WTVO) – For the past seven years, the Rockford Area Convention Visitors Bureau, a list of sponsors and a lot of volunteers have made Stroll on State what it is today. RACVB i..View article
Dreary weather takes a bite out of Stroll on State attendance
ROCKFORD, Ill. (WTVO) ─ Dreary weather took a toll on 2019 Stroll on State attendance. According to Rockford Area Convention and Visitors Bureau Stroll on State drew an estimated 21,875 visi..View article
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