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    Examples of in a sentence

    Editorial: Krewson leaves legacy of trash-strewn alleys for her successor to fix
    Listen Editorial: Krewson leaves legacy of trash-strewn alleys for her successor to fix pronunciation
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    Brazilian bank robbers leave cash strewn across the streets to aid their getaway as residents rush to pick it up after spectacular raids on four banks across city
    Listen Brazilian bank robbers leave cash strewn across the streets to aid their getaway as residents rush to pick it up after spectacular raids on four banks across city pronunciation
    0 rating rating ratings
    Hotdog on a fork? Skewered franks curiously strewn across neighborhood lawns in California
    Listen Hotdog on a fork? Skewered franks curiously strewn across neighborhood lawns in California pronunciation
    0 rating rating ratings
    Brazilian bank robbers leave cash strewn across the streets to aid their getaway
    Listen Brazilian bank robbers leave cash strewn across the streets to aid their getaway pronunciation
    0 rating rating ratings
    ATM explosion in Northeast Philadelphia leaves cash strewn about parking lot
    Listen ATM explosion in Northeast Philadelphia leaves cash strewn about parking lot pronunciation
    0 rating rating ratings
    {{phrase.phrase }}
    Listen :word pronunciation {{phrase.phrase}}
    {{phrase.vote_count}} ratings rating rating ratings
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    Trending news on strewn

    Hotdog on a fork? Skewered franks curiously strewn across neighborhood lawns in Modesto
    Listen Hotdog on a fork? Skewered franks curiously strewn across neighborhood lawns in Modesto pronunciation
    An odd sight caused a stir in a Modesto neighborhood on Sunday. Neighbors found about a dozen hotdogs skewered by forks on their lawns with little explanation as to what exactly they were lo..View article
    image-unavailable MSN
    Couple cheat death after 6am gas explosion rips through Lanarkshire home leaving rubble strewn across garden
    Listen Couple cheat death after 6am gas explosion rips through Lanarkshire home leaving rubble strewn across garden pronunciation
    Donna’s daughter, 15, and son, 13, were not at home at the time of the explosion which blew out the back of the villa and left windows and rubble strewn across the back garden. A local said..View article
    image-unavailable The Scottish Sun
    Gold Coast M1 Traffic: Nails strewn across Pacific Motorway, multiple cars damaged
    Listen Gold Coast M1 Traffic: Nails strewn across Pacific Motorway, multiple cars damaged pronunciation
    ALMOST two dozen cars have been forced to pull over on the M1 after nails were found strewn across the roadway on Tuesday afternoon.
    The Courier-Mail The Courier-Mail
    Error strewn Scotland performance sees winning streak ended by France at Murrayfield
    Listen Error strewn Scotland performance sees winning streak ended by France at Murrayfield pronunciation
    Fabien Galthie’s men claimed a vital victory thanks to Virimi Vakatawa’s try and 17 points from the boot of Thomas Ramos.
    Rugbypass Rugbypass
    As it happened: England coast to comfortable win over error-strewn Ireland
    Listen As it happened: England coast to comfortable win over error-strewn Ireland pronunciation
    England's huge defensive effort was the difference as Ireland looked a little devoid of ideas in attack. Andy Farrell's team kept going but the Ireland head coach will know his team were luc..View article
    Independent.ie Independent.ie
    Listen :word pronunciation {{news_api.phrase.phrase}}
    {{news_api.provider[0]['name']}} {{news_api.provider[0]['name']}} image-unavailable {{news_api.provider[0]['name']}}
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