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Pronunciation of storehouse with 1 audio pronunciations
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International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)
IPA : ˈstɔːhaʊs
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Phonetic spelling of storehouse

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Meanings for storehouse

It is a noun that can be defined as a building where goods are kept for future use.
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Synonyms for storehouse

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Learn more about the word "storehouse" , its origin, alternative forms, and usage from Wiktionary.

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Wiki content for storehouse

Storehouse - Storehouse may refer to:
Storehouse plc - Storehouse plc, traded as Storehouse, was a large UK retail business formed by Terence Conran through the merger of various high street chains.
Storehouse Furniture - Storehouse Furniture was founded in Atlanta, Georgia, in 1969, and it quickly became an early style leader in well-designed, well-priced contemporary furnishings.
Storehouse (charity) - The Storehouse is a name regularly used for compassion outreaches of Vineyard Churches in the United Kingdom and the US.
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Examples of in a sentence

'That’s not my style', says man after he's charged with robbing Italian tourists near Guinness Storehouse
Listen 'That’s not my style', says man after he's charged with robbing Italian tourists near Guinness Storehouse pronunciation
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Man before court over hold-up outside Guinness Storehouse
Listen Man before court over hold-up outside Guinness Storehouse pronunciation
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Shocking footage shows 'panicked' tourists being robbed at gunpoint near Guinness Storehouse
Listen Shocking footage shows 'panicked' tourists being robbed at gunpoint near Guinness Storehouse pronunciation
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Tourists robbed at gunpoint near Guinness Storehouse
Listen Tourists robbed at gunpoint near Guinness Storehouse pronunciation
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Pancake Kitchen temporarily closed after storehouse fire
Listen Pancake Kitchen temporarily closed after storehouse fire pronunciation
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Translations of storehouse

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Trending news on storehouse

'That’s not my style', says man after he's charged with robbing Italian tourists near Guinness Storehouse
Listen 'That’s not my style', says man after he's charged with robbing Italian tourists near Guinness Storehouse pronunciation
A DUBLIN man has been charged with the robbery and attempted robbery of Italian tourists in broad daylight near a popular visitor attraction in the city centre. Paul Heaney (35) is alleged t..View article
Independent.ie Independent.ie
Man before court over hold-up outside Guinness Storehouse
Listen Man before court over hold-up outside Guinness Storehouse pronunciation
A 35-year-old man has been refused bail after an Italian teacher and one of her students were held up at gunpoint outside the Guinness Storehouse in Dublin. Silvia Pantoni and one of her stu..View article
The Irish Times The Irish Times
Shocking footage shows 'panicked' tourists being robbed at gunpoint near Guinness Storehouse
Listen Shocking footage shows 'panicked' tourists being robbed at gunpoint near Guinness Storehouse pronunciation
Gardaí are investigating the incident which took place at Longs Place, Dublin 8, near the Guinness Storehouse, around 6pm yesterday. The video, revealed by Liveline on RTÉ Radio 1, shows the..View article
Irish Examiner Irish Examiner
Tourists robbed at gunpoint near Guinness Storehouse
Listen Tourists robbed at gunpoint near Guinness Storehouse pronunciation
Gardaí are investigating a robbery on two tourists near the Guinness Storehouse in Dublin during which a gun or imitation gun was used to threaten the victims. The attack occurred on Long’s..View article
The Irish Times The Irish Times
Pancake Kitchen temporarily closed after storehouse fire
Listen Pancake Kitchen temporarily closed after storehouse fire pronunciation
One of Ballarat's best loved restaurants will be forced to shut its doors to customers on Sunday after a fire broke out in the storehouse. Staff noticed a burning smell this morning when the..View article
The Courier The Courier
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