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Pronunciation of statin with 3 audio pronunciations
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Phonetic spelling of statin

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Meanings for statin

A group of medicines that can help lower the level of bad cholesterol in the blood.
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Wiki content for statin

Examples of in a sentence

Wageningen University: Exercise improves muscle performance in statin users
Listen Wageningen University: Exercise improves muscle performance in statin users pronunciation
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ACR: Statin Use in RA: Benefits Outweigh Diabetes Risk
Listen ACR: Statin Use in RA: Benefits Outweigh Diabetes Risk pronunciation
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Cholesterol-Lowering Statins Linked to Reduced Risk of Death From COVID-19 in Major Study
Listen Cholesterol-Lowering Statins Linked to Reduced Risk of Death From COVID-19 in Major Study pronunciation
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Statin therapy tied to lower VTE risk after liver transplantation: Study
Listen Statin therapy tied to lower VTE risk after liver transplantation: Study pronunciation
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Statins unlikely to prevent severe COVID-19, Johns Hopkins study finds
Listen Statins unlikely to prevent severe COVID-19, Johns Hopkins study finds pronunciation
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{{phrase.phrase }}
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Translations of statin

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Trending news on statin

Statin to roll out new export-import statistical product
Listen Statin to roll out new export-import statistical product pronunciation
The Statistical Institute of Jamaica (Statin) is to release a new statistical product, the Export-Import Price Indices (XMPI), which will be used to measure the quarterly price changes of tr..View article
image-unavailable The Jamaica Observer
Statin Use Not Linked to COVID-19 Mortality in Hospitalized Patients
Listen Statin Use Not Linked to COVID-19 Mortality in Hospitalized Patients pronunciation
For hospitalized patients with COVID-19, statins seem not to have a beneficial effect, and may even increase the risk of severe disease, according to a study published online Sept. 10 in PLO..View article
Too Old to Operate Too Old to Operate
Cardiovascular benefits from statins outweigh diabetes risk in patients with RA
Listen Cardiovascular benefits from statins outweigh diabetes risk in patients with RA pronunciation
The benefits of statin use to prevent cardiovascular disease and mortality in patients with rheumatoid arthritis outweigh the risks for developing type 2 diabetes, according to data presente..View article
image-unavailable Healio
Incidence of Hospitalized Rhabdomyolysis With Statin and Fibrate Use in an Insured US Population
Listen Incidence of Hospitalized Rhabdomyolysis With Statin and Fibrate Use in an Insured US Population pronunciation
We identified 1,116,805 statin and/or fibrate initiators who met eligibility criteria from January 1, 1998, through December 31, 2007. Of these, 86.6% were statin initiators, 12.9% were fibr..View article
image-unavailable Medscape
Study of 1 million people finds lower risk of death from COVID-19 in statin users
Listen Study of 1 million people finds lower risk of death from COVID-19 in statin users pronunciation
gece33/Getty Images Researchers have investigated the link between statin use and COVID-19 mortality in around 1 million people. They found that statin use was associated with a slightly low..View article
image-unavailable Medical News Today
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{{news_api.provider[0]['name']}} {{news_api.provider[0]['name']}} image-unavailable {{news_api.provider[0]['name']}}
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