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Pronunciation of Stamatia with 4 audio pronunciations
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Phonetic spelling of Stamatia

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Meanings for Stamatia

It is a Greek feminine name.
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Wiki content for Stamatia

Stamatia - Stamatia (Greek: Σταματία) is a Greek feminine given name. Its diminutives are Stamatina, Stamatoula, Matina, Matoula, Mata and Stamato.
Stamatia Scarvelis - Stamatia Scarvelis (Greek: Σταματία Σκαρβέλη; born 17 August 1995) is an American-born Greek athlete. She competed in the semi-final of the hammer throw event at the 2019 World Athletics Cham
Stamata Revithi - Stamata Revithi (Greek: Σταμάτα Ρεβίθη; 1866 – after 1896) was a Greek woman who ran the 40-kilometre marathon during the 1896 Summer Olympics.
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Examples of in a sentence

Stamatia Scarvelis: UT hammer throw record holder and Greek national team thrower
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Star Athletes: Stamatia Scarvelis and Shane Hauschild
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Stamatia Scarvelis: Tennessee's hammer throw record holder
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'Stamatia X': the new book by Effie Car
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Trending news on Stamatia

Stamatia "Matina" G. Anargyros,nee Maritsas,. Beloved wife of the late George Anargyros; loving mother of Margo and the late Georgia Anargyros. devoted daughter of the late Konstantinos and..View article
Chicago Tribune Chicago Tribune
Star Athletes: Stamatia Scarvelis and Shane Hauschild
Shane Hauschild and Stamatia Scarvelis may move on to greater things, but what they have done during their high school years has secured their legacy as two of the best athletes to come out..View article
image-unavailable Santa Barbara Independent
Stamatia Scarvelis: UT hammer throw record holder and Greek national team thrower
The story behind Stamatia Scarvelis, Tennessee's school record holder in the women's hammer throw. The Vols will compete in the SEC Outdoor Championships starting Thursday.
Stamatia Scarvelis goes her own way, leans on family
Stamatia Scarvelis is about to take her final throw at the SEC Championships with her first conference title on the line. But, let’s start from the beginning of her story. “I have two older..View article
WATE 6 On Your Side WATE 6 On Your Side
'Stamatia X': the new book by Effie Car
Weaving Greek mythology, religion and the study of grammar, Stamatia X is the story of a Greek-Australian girl whose parents make the monumental decision to re-migrate "like birds flying bac..View article
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