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International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)
IPA : stæk
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Examples of in a sentence

stack the deck of cards
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stack a truck with boxes
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He picked up Sunny and crossed to the kitchen to stack the plate high with cookies.
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Video: How to Begin Building a Tech Stack in Wealth Management
Listen Video: How to Begin Building a Tech Stack in Wealth Management pronunciation
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Robots can now stack shelves from remote-controlled VR
Listen Robots can now stack shelves from remote-controlled VR pronunciation
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{{phrase.phrase }}
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{{phrase.vote_count}} ratings rating rating ratings
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stack should be in sentence

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Trending news on stack

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Presidential history is taught in all U.S. public schools. All presidents “solemnly” promise to follow the oath of office. Compared with all former presidents, Trump
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Listen Global Automotive Centre Stack Display Market 2020 Industry Key Player, Trend and Segmented Data, Demand and Forecast by 2025 pronunciation
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The Lawfare Podcast: Alissa Starzak on Cloudflare, Content Moderation and the Internet Stack
Listen The Lawfare Podcast: Alissa Starzak on Cloudflare, Content Moderation and the Internet Stack pronunciation
This week on Lawfare's Arbiters of Truth series on disinformation, Evelyn Douek and Quinta Jurecic spoke with Alissa Starzak, the head of public policy at Cloudflare—a company that provides..View article
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