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International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)
IPA : ˈspraɪtlɪ
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Examples of in a sentence

Prince Philip health update: Sprightly Duke refuses help to walk down Windsor Castle steps
Listen Prince Philip health update: Sprightly Duke refuses help to walk down Windsor Castle steps pronunciation
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Judo therapy helps keep Japanese seniors sprightly
Listen Judo therapy helps keep Japanese seniors sprightly pronunciation
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Hear Deep Purple’s Sprightly New Song ‘Nothing at All’
Listen Hear Deep Purple’s Sprightly New Song ‘Nothing at All’ pronunciation
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Keeping them laughing as he goes! Sprightly Prince Philip, 99, proves retirement hasn't dulled his legendary wit as he cracks joke about Army bugler's weight during rare public ...
Listen Keeping them laughing as he goes! Sprightly Prince Philip, 99, proves retirement hasn't dulled his legendary wit as he cracks joke about Army bugler's weight during rare public ... pronunciation
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Sprightly Biscuits
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Trending news on sprightly

Judo therapy helps keep Japanese seniors sprightly
Listen Judo therapy helps keep Japanese seniors sprightly pronunciation
TOKYO • Judo is known for its killer throws and lightning-fast grappling moves, but the sport has a lesser-known application popular in Japan - the ancient healing art of "judo therapy".. Re..View article
The Straits Times The Straits Times
Hear Deep Purple’s Sprightly New Song ‘Nothing at All’
Listen Hear Deep Purple’s Sprightly New Song ‘Nothing at All’ pronunciation
Deep Purple have released their new song “Nothing at All,” the third single from the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame-inducted band’s upcoming 21st album Whoosh! The sprightly new track finds Ian..View article
Rolling Stone Rolling Stone
Keeping them laughing as he goes! Sprightly Prince Philip, 99, proves retirement hasn't dulled his legendary wit as he cracks joke about Army bugler's weight during rare public ...
Listen Keeping them laughing as he goes! Sprightly Prince Philip, 99, proves retirement hasn't dulled his legendary wit as he cracks joke about Army bugler's weight during rare public ... pronunciation
Amid extreme social distancing, Prince Philip, 99, was at Windsor Castle in Berkshire, while the Duchess of Cornwall was at Highgrove House in Gloucestershire.
Daily Mail Daily Mail
Sprightly Biscuits
Listen Sprightly Biscuits pronunciation
Introducing the easiest, fastest, fluffiest southern biscuits, courtesy of Dora Charles’s cookbook, A Real Southern Cook: In Her Savannah Kitchen. Why so simple? Well, they start with Bisqui..View article
Prince Philip health update: Sprightly Duke refuses help to walk down Windsor Castle steps
Listen Prince Philip health update: Sprightly Duke refuses help to walk down Windsor Castle steps pronunciation
PRINCE PHILIP has delighted royal fans with a rare appearance in public as he broke his own retirement to carry out one last engagement, handing over an important role to another Royal Famil..View article
Daily Express Daily Express
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