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    Meanings for Spokane

    It is a city in Washington State. Spokane Falls is a must-visit place in this city.
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    a city in eastern Washington near the Idaho border
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    Wiki content for Spokane

    Spokane, Washington - Spokane ( (listen) spoh-KAN) is a city in Spokane County in the state of Washington in the northwestern United States.
    Spokane International Airport - Spokane International Airport (IATA: GEG, ICAO: KGEG, FAA LID: GEG) is a commercial airport approximately 5 miles (8 km) west of downtown Spokane, Washington.
    Spokane Shock - The Spokane Shock are a professional indoor American football team based in Spokane, Washington, playing their home games at the Spokane Veterans Memorial Arena.
    Spokane County, Washington - Spokane County is a county located in the U.S. state of Washington. As of the 2010 census the population was 471,221, making it the fourth-most populous county in Washington state.
    Spokane Valley, Washington - Spokane Valley is a city in Spokane County, Washington, United States, and the largest suburb of Spokane.
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    Examples of in a sentence

    Spokane's housing market is booming, as commercial real estate heads for a rebound
    Listen Spokane's housing market is booming, as commercial real estate heads for a rebound pronunciation
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    Spokane City Council directs more coronavirus aid to business, childcare, and tenant support
    Listen Spokane City Council directs more coronavirus aid to business, childcare, and tenant support pronunciation
    0 rating rating ratings
    After delay, Spokane city leaders plan police reform talks
    Listen After delay, Spokane city leaders plan police reform talks pronunciation
    0 rating rating ratings
    Spokane family calls for change after security footage shows felon prowling property
    Listen Spokane family calls for change after security footage shows felon prowling property pronunciation
    0 rating rating ratings
    Sam Cover Spokane Valley presents benefits of yoga on health and well-being
    Listen Sam Cover Spokane Valley presents benefits of yoga on health and well-being pronunciation
    0 rating rating ratings
    {{phrase.phrase }}
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    Trending news on Spokane

    Spokane's housing market is booming, as commercial real estate heads for a rebound
    Listen Spokane's housing market is booming, as commercial real estate heads for a rebound pronunciation
    SPOKANE, Wash. — If there's one sector in the American job market that's holding strong during the COVID-19 pandemic, it's the housing market. "By all rights, it should have put us on our ea..View article
    image-unavailable KREM
    Spokane-area schools plan for return of kindergarteners to classrooms by early October
    Listen Spokane-area schools plan for return of kindergarteners to classrooms by early October pronunciation
    SPOKANE COUNTY, Wash. — School districts throughout Spokane County are planning for the return of their youngest students to classrooms on Oct. 19. SPS students will attend school on an ...
    image-unavailable KHOU 11
    When will smoke clear in the Spokane area? Improvement expected Saturday
    Listen When will smoke clear in the Spokane area? Improvement expected Saturday pronunciation
    SPOKANE, Wash — The air in the Spokane area has ranged from hazardous to unhealthy since last weekend but forecasters say changes are on the way. An Air Quality Alert has been extended for t..View article
    image-unavailable KUSA
    Spokane’s annual Pride Parade goes virtual this year
    Listen Spokane’s annual Pride Parade goes virtual this year pronunciation
    SPOKANE COUNTY, Wash — Spokane’s annual Pride march is set to go virtual this year with a variety of events happening throughout the weekend. The Annual Pride Parade and Festival typically ...View article
    image-unavailable KREM
    Occupy Spokane holding protest following decision in Breonna Taylor case
    Listen Occupy Spokane holding protest following decision in Breonna Taylor case pronunciation
    SPOKANE, Wash. — A peaceful protest is planned for Saturday in Spokane following the Kentucky Attorney General’s decision to not charge officers in Breonna Taylor’s death. Taylor ...
    image-unavailable KXLY 4 News
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