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Pronunciation of Stephen with 2 audio pronunciations
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Meanings for Stephen

He is a popular UK-based theoretical physicist, cosmologist, and author who is notable for his contributions to the black hole concept and has won a Presidential medal for freedom and Copely Medal and has written a book named The Brief History of time in the year 1988.
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Quiz on Stephen


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Examples of in a sentence

Stephen Hawking usa gafas de rayos infrarrojos para comunicarse
Listen Stephen Hawking usa gafas de rayos infrarrojos para comunicarse pronunciation
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Stephen Hawking se une a un boicot académico internacional contra Israel por su relación con Palestina
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Stephen Hawking será distinguido con la Medalla Presidencial de la Libertad de Estados Unidos
Listen Stephen Hawking será distinguido con la Medalla Presidencial de la Libertad de Estados Unidos pronunciation
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Stephen Hawking: "No hay ningún Dios"
Listen Stephen Hawking: "No hay ningún Dios" pronunciation
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Translations of Stephen

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