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International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)
IPA : ˈsəʊvɪət
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    Meanings for soviet

    A State that was founded in the year 1922 encompasses an area of 22.4 million km² and it is known for the Russian Revolution in the year 1947.
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    Examples of in a sentence

    Top 5 Soviet movies that were shelved for years
    Listen Top 5 Soviet movies that were shelved for years pronunciation
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    Russian Elite Image of Iran: From the Late Soviet Era to the Present
    Listen Russian Elite Image of Iran: From the Late Soviet Era to the Present pronunciation
    0 rating rating ratings
    Grozny 1994: The Battle That Changed Post-Soviet Russia Forever
    Listen Grozny 1994: The Battle That Changed Post-Soviet Russia Forever pronunciation
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    A Soviet-era legacy, Lada cars awaken passions for Cubans
    Listen A Soviet-era legacy, Lada cars awaken passions for Cubans pronunciation
    0 rating rating ratings
    Russia’s ‘foreign agent’ law now threatens rights group that survived even Soviet pressures
    Listen Russia’s ‘foreign agent’ law now threatens rights group that survived even Soviet pressures pronunciation
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    Trending news on soviet

    Jews in the former Soviet Union eat pounds of matzah per person — the most in the world — every year. Here’s why.
    Listen Jews in the former Soviet Union eat pounds of matzah per person — the most in the world — every year. Here’s why. pronunciation
    When it comes to consuming matzah, the Jews of the former Soviet Union are in a league of their own. At the top of the chart are Azerbaijan’s 8,000 Jews, who this year are expected to consum..View article
    Jweekly.com Jweekly.com
    Why the Soviet Union's nuclear-powered cruisers spooked the US into bringing back its battleships
    Listen Why the Soviet Union's nuclear-powered cruisers spooked the US into bringing back its battleships pronunciation
    Russia's Kirov-class nuclear-powered battlecruisers are among the world's most imposing ships. The Kirovs' fortunes fell along with the Soviet Union, but Russia has invested in upgrading the..View article
    image-unavailable Yahoo News
    How Soviet poets performed in football stadiums in front of thousands
    Listen How Soviet poets performed in football stadiums in front of thousands pronunciation
    He knew what he was talking about. During Nikita Khrushchev’s cultural years of Thaw, Soviet poets were public figures like rock stars. They performed to sell-out crowds, predicted the futur..View article
    image-unavailable RBTH
    Born in Soviet Exile, They Might Die in a Russian One
    Listen Born in Soviet Exile, They Might Die in a Russian One pronunciation
    Emile Ducke for The New York Times “In Russia, people still live in Soviet exile,” said Grigory V. Vaypan, a Harvard-educated lawyer who has taken up Ms. Shasheva’s case in Russian courts.
    image-unavailable New York Times
    Denunciation of racism became possible due to Soviet Union’s position — Russian diplomat
    Listen Denunciation of racism became possible due to Soviet Union’s position — Russian diplomat pronunciation
    MOSCOW, March 30. /TASS/. The present-day negative attitude towards racism was formed thanks to the position of the Soviet Union after World War II, spokeswoman for the Russian Foreign Minis..View article
    image-unavailable TASS
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