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Sophie Molineux

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Meanings for Sophie Molineux

An Australian cricketer who plays for the national women's team as a Left-handed batsman.
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Examples of in a sentence

AUS-W Vs IND-W: Sophie Molineux Returns To Field After Getting Hit On Face; WATCH
Listen AUS-W Vs IND-W: Sophie Molineux Returns To Field After Getting Hit On Face; WATCH pronunciation
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Australia Women vs India Women: Sophie Molineux courageously returns to field after being hit by nasty throw
Listen Australia Women vs India Women: Sophie Molineux courageously returns to field after being hit by nasty throw pronunciation
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Bandanged like Ric McCosker, blooded Sophie Molineux shows her courage
Listen Bandanged like Ric McCosker, blooded Sophie Molineux shows her courage pronunciation
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WATCH: Australian cricketer Sophie Molineux braves nasty throw hitting her mouth during 3rd ODI vs India Women
Listen WATCH: Australian cricketer Sophie Molineux braves nasty throw hitting her mouth during 3rd ODI vs India Women pronunciation
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Sophie Molineux on why Mackay locals should watch Australia v India
Listen Sophie Molineux on why Mackay locals should watch Australia v India pronunciation
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Trending news on Sophie Molineux

Sophie Molineux on why Mackay locals should watch Australia v India
Listen Sophie Molineux on why Mackay locals should watch Australia v India pronunciation
Aussie opener Rachael Haynes smashed 93 not out to help Australia to a nine-wicket win over India in the first of three One-Day Internationals at Great Barrier Reef Arena in Mackay on Tuesda..View article
The Courier-Mail The Courier-Mail
WATCH: Australian cricketer Sophie Molineux braves nasty throw hitting her mouth during 3rd ODI vs India Women
Listen WATCH: Australian cricketer Sophie Molineux braves nasty throw hitting her mouth during 3rd ODI vs India Women pronunciation
Australian women's cricketer Sophie Molineux got hit by an awkwardly bouncing throw on the last ball of the 39th over during the last and final 3rd ODI between India and Australia at the Har..View article
timesnownews.com timesnownews.com
Bandanged like Ric McCosker, blooded Sophie Molineux shows her courage
Listen Bandanged like Ric McCosker, blooded Sophie Molineux shows her courage pronunciation
A ball to the face. A savagely split lip. A strapping job that brought to mind Rick McCosker in the Centenary Test. Sophie Molineux was courage personified in another ODI classic between Aus..View article
The Australian The Australian
Australia Women vs India Women: Sophie Molineux courageously returns to field after being hit by nasty throw
Listen Australia Women vs India Women: Sophie Molineux courageously returns to field after being hit by nasty throw pronunciation
Molineux delivered a sensational spell. However, more than anything, her guts, and dedication towards the game bagged praises.
CricTracker CricTracker
AUS-W Vs IND-W: Sophie Molineux Returns To Field After Getting Hit On Face; WATCH
Listen AUS-W Vs IND-W: Sophie Molineux Returns To Field After Getting Hit On Face; WATCH pronunciation
Sophie Molineux was hit by the ball after a throw from the outfield awkwardly bounced and hit her on the upper lip, she had to be taken off to get patched up.
RepublicWorld RepublicWorld

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