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Wiki content for Sonika

Sonika - Sonika Keturah Jermina Mckie (born October 21, 1988), known simply as Sonika, is a Grenadian singer-songwriter and recording artist, based in the Eastern Caribbean island of Grenada.
Sonika Chauhan - Sonika Simone Singh Chauhan (12 July 1989 – 29 April 2017) was an Indian model, actress, and a TV host.
Sonika Kaliraman - Sonika Kaliraman is the first Indian woman wrestler to win the title of Bharat Kesri in Bharat Kesri Dangal in 2001. She was a contestant on the popular reality show Bigg Boss in 2011.
Sonika (software) - Sonika is a female Vocal released for the Vocaloid 2 software by Zero-G Ltd.
Sonika Nirwal - Sonika Nirwal (born 1977) was a senior Ealing Southall constituency Labour politician representing the Greenford Broadway ward.
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Examples of in a sentence

Oyo 2778 Hotel Sonika's Heritage
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"Please make Wyndham Indian Cultural Precinct at appropriate place not Park": Sonika & Hyder
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CNN Young Wonder: Sonika Menon
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Jeet Surendranath and Sonika Mody of FAR Commercials talk about Producing ad films , food and more
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Kolkata: HC directs start of trial in model Sonika Chauhan death case
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Trending news on Sonika

"Please make Wyndham Indian Cultural Precinct at appropriate place not Park": Sonika & Hyder
The Indian Culture Precinct Action Committee’s President Sonika Sha argues that 'The President Park' is in no way appropriate location for Indian Cultural Precinct.
Oyo 2778 Hotel Sonika's Heritage
No reviews found. Try removing a filter, changing your search, or clear all to view reviews. With a stay at OYO 2778 Hotel Sonika's Heritage in Candolim, you'll be within a 10-minute drive o..View article
Kayak.com Kayak.com
CNN Young Wonder: Sonika Menon
Sonika Menon, 15, and her Birthday Giving Program help bring parties to children, people with disabilities and senior citizens who might not otherwise get to celebrate.
La Crosse Tribune La Crosse Tribune
Kolkata: HC directs start of trial in model Sonika Chauhan death case
Sonika's father Vijay Singh Chauhan moved a petition before the high court seeking expeditious trial in the case. Sonika Chauhan was killed in an accident while being driven in a car by acto..View article
The Asian Age The Asian Age
Jeet Surendranath and Sonika Mody of FAR Commercials talk about Producing ad films , food and more
In conversation with Jeet Surendranath & Sonika Mody, FAR Commercials. Stepping into the FAR Commercials office, I’m hit with a vivacious and whimsical vibe. The 4 decade young production ho..View article
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