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International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)
IPA : ˈsɒkrətiːz
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Meanings for Socrates

ancient Athenian philosopher; teacher of Plato and Xenophon (470-399 BC)
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Wiki content for Socrates

Socrates - Socrates (; Ancient Greek: Σωκρᾰ́της, romanized: Sōkrátēs, [sɔːkrátɛːs]; c. 470 – 399 BC) was a classical Greek (Athenian) philosopher credited as one of the founders of Western philosophy,
Socrates in Love - Socrates in Love (恋するソクラテス, Koi Suru Sokuratesu) is a 2001 Japanese melodrama novel, written by Kyoichi Katayama and published by Shogakukan, which revolves around narrator Sakutaro Matsumoto
Socrates Jones: Pro Philosopher - Socrates Jones: Pro Philosopher is an educational point-and-click browser game and visual novel that was developed by a group of students and faculty at Carnegie Mellon University collectivel
Socrates of Constantinople - Socrates of Constantinople (Greek: Σωκράτης ὁ Σχολαστικός; c. 380 – after 439), also known as Socrates Scholasticus, was a 5th-century Christian church historian, a contemporary of Sozomen an
Socrates K. Valath - Socrates Krishnan Valath, (born 1963) is an Indian novelist, short story writer, screenwriter, director and a journalist, primarily working in Malayalam literature, television and cinema.
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Examples of in a sentence

Trump, Socrates have no similarities
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Libya's Al Trbi follows in the footsteps of Brazil's Socrates
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I quit school because I wanted to follow my passion – Socrates Safo
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You sound like Socrates: Japanese magazine ridiculed for dating advice for women
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Socrates Sarfo secretly complains about the NPP; A Plus ‘exposes’ friend live on radio.
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Translations of Socrates

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Trending news on Socrates

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Where did Socrates, the foundational figure of Western philosophy, get the inspiration for his original ideas about truth, love, justice, courage and knowledge? New research I’ve conducted r..View article
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Socrates would have made the leaders’ debates real interrogations
What they never get is an interrogation. Enter Socrates, licking his lips. He once described how a friend of his had asked the oracle at Delphi whether there was anyone wiser than he. The Py..View article
The Spectator The Spectator
Victoria dock named in honour of round-the-world sailor Jeanne Socrates
Jeanne Socrates, the oldest person to sail non-stop and solo around the world, is being honoured with a permanent marker in Victoria. At a ceremony on Thursday on the lower causeway of the I..View article
Times Colonist Times Colonist
Socrates’ prescription for a ‘reasonable’ Thanksgiving
Socrates always began by asking questions . . . and adopted a posture of humility, leading others to rational truth. Can liberal and conservative family members discuss politics over Thanksg..View article
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Socrates and the Barbarians
I had a great hook. I was going to talk about how Aristophanes’ play The Clouds upset Socrates (and Plato) because Aristophanes lumped Socrates in with the Sophists, whom Socrates considered..View article
The Moderate Voice The Moderate Voice
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