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IPA : skɪf
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Wiki content for skiff

Skiff - The term skiff is used for a number of essentially unrelated styles of small boats. Traditionally, these are coastal craft or river craft used for leisure, as a utility craft and for fishing,
Skiffle - Skiffle is a musical genre with influences from jazz, blues, and American folk music, generally performed with a mixture of manufactured and homemade or improvised instruments.
Skiffing - Skiffing refers to the sporting and leisure activity of rowing (or more correctly sculling) a Thames skiff.
Skiff Lake (New Brunswick) - Skiff Lake is a lake in Canterbury Parish, York County, New Brunswick, Canada.
Skiffia - Skiffia is a genus of goodeid fish that contains four species, endemic to the Mesa Central area of west-central Mexico.
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Examples of in a sentence

Skiff, City of Newton win big at Chamber awards
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Skiff names new CAO
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Skiff follows in the wake of the original village lifeboat
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WATCH: Launch of community skiff
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Eight adventurers raise £40,000 after rowing 100 miles from St Kilda to Portree on Skye in a wooden skiff built more than 100 years ago
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