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Pronunciation of siam with 3 audio pronunciations
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International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)
IPA : saɪˈæm
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Meanings for siam

A country that is situated in Asia, which is popular for its Buddha temple and beach resorts. It is also considered a popular tourist destination spot.
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Wiki content for siam

Siamese fighting fish - The Siamese fighting fish (Betta splendens), also known as the betta, is a popular fish in the aquarium trade.
Siamese cat - The Siamese cat is one of the first distinctly recognized breeds of Asian cat. Derived from the Wichianmat landrace, one of several varieties of cat native to China and brought to Thailand (f
Siamese revolution of 1932 - The Siamese revolution of 1932 or the Siamese coup d'état of 1932 (Thai: การปฏิวัติสยาม พ.ศ. 2475 or การเปลี่ยนแปลงการปกครองสยาม พ.ศ.
Siamese twins (linguistics) - Siamese twins (also irreversible binomials, binomials, binomial pairs, freezes, or nonreversible word pairs) in the context of the English language refer to a pair or group of words used toge
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Examples of in a sentence

Clashes leave 21 dead in Thai capital
Listen Clashes leave 21 dead in Thai capital pronunciation
69 ratings rating ratings
Thai scientist has deodorized the stinky 'king of fruits'
Listen Thai scientist has deodorized the stinky 'king of fruits' pronunciation
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Thaksin still pervades Thai political landscape
Listen Thaksin still pervades Thai political landscape pronunciation
59 ratings rating ratings
South Thailand insurgents blamed for five bombs
Listen South Thailand insurgents blamed for five bombs pronunciation
54 ratings rating ratings
Opposing Thai protesters mass, PAD to march on parliament
Listen Opposing Thai protesters mass, PAD to march on parliament pronunciation
49 ratings rating ratings
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Trending news on siam

Restaurant Scene: Siam Marina celebrates two special anniversaries
Listen Restaurant Scene: Siam Marina celebrates two special anniversaries pronunciation
Diners walking through the doors of Siam Marina are always in for a memorable treat. On Nov. 10, guests were in for an extra special time as the owners of Siam Marina marked two monumental a..View article
The Times of Northwest Indiana The Times of Northwest Indiana
SIAM Welcomes First-Ever Director of Development and Corporate Relations
Listen SIAM Welcomes First-Ever Director of Development and Corporate Relations pronunciation
Philadelphia, PA, Nov. 25, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM) has announced that Ken Boyden assumed the position of Director of Development and ....View article
Siam Midtown brand launch
Listen Siam Midtown brand launch pronunciation
Owned by the Siam Sindhorn Company, a property arm of the Crown Property Bureau, the 29-floor, twin towers will feature 344 hotel rooms and 49 serviced residences. The group has appointed Je..View article
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Seaplanes in Thailand? Interview with Dennis Keller, CBO of Siam Seaplane
Listen Seaplanes in Thailand? Interview with Dennis Keller, CBO of Siam Seaplane pronunciation
Those are just a few of the many questions that Steven Howard of TravelNewsAsia.com puts to Dennis Keller, Chief Business Officer of Siam Seaplane. In this interview, filmed at the Ocean Mar..View article
Asia Travel Tips Asia Travel Tips
SIAM signs pact with KAMA for promoting auto industry
Listen SIAM signs pact with KAMA for promoting auto industry pronunciation
New Delhi: Auto industry body SIAM on Wednesday said it has signed a pact with Korea Automobile Manufacturers Association (KAMA) for cooperation and support in promoting a sustainable, safe,..View article
The Hans India The Hans India
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