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shuttle bus

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Pronunciation of shuttle bus with 1 audio pronunciations
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International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)
IPA : ʃʌtl bʌs
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Phonetic spelling of shuttle bus

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Meanings for shuttle bus

It is an English term that refers to buses going back and forth between two places.
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Synonyms for shuttle bus

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Examples of in a sentence

Champlain Ice Bridge bike path closed for four to six weekends - a shuttle bus will be available for cyclists and ...
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Facebook shuttle bus drivers voted Wednesday to unionize in an attempt to get better pay and working conditions, a move that experts say could lead other service workers in Silicon Valley to unionize
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Facebook shuttle bus drivers voted Wednesday to unionize to get better pay and working conditions, which could lead other service workers to unionize
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Drivers for the social network's shuttle bus contractor say they seek better schedules and wages that allow them to live near their jobs
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Facebook shuttle bus drivers will vote to decide whether to unionize in an attempt to get better pay and working conditions
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Translations of shuttle bus

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