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Pronunciation of showman with 1 audio pronunciations
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International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)
IPA : ˈʃəʊmən
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Meanings for showman

The Greatest Showman is a famous American biographical musical drama film directed by Jenny Bicks and released in the year 2017.
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Wiki content for showman

Showman - Showman can have a variety of meanings, usually by context and depending on the country.
Showmance (Glee) - "Showmance" is the second episode of the American television series Glee. The episode premiered on the Fox network on September 9, 2009. It was written by series co-creators Ryan Murphy, Brad
Showman's road locomotive - A showman's road locomotive or showman's engine is a steam-powered road-going 'locomotive' designed to provide power and transport for a travelling funfair or circus.
Showmance - A showmance (sometimes show-mance), also known as show romance, is a romance that develops between two individuals in theater, or on films and television series and between reality show conte
Showmen's Rest - Showmen's Rest in Forest Park, Illinois, is a 750 plot section of Woodlawn Cemetery mostly for circus performers owned by the Showmen's League of America The first performers and show worker
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Examples of in a sentence

Dr Denis the showman shines for the cameras as Premier shows his human side ...
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