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Learn how to pronounce Shimron Hetmyer

Shimron Hetmyer

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Pronunciation of Shimron Hetmyer with 1 audio pronunciations
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Phonetic spelling of Shimron Hetmyer

shimron hetmyer
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Meanings for Shimron Hetmyer

He is a cricketer, a left-handed batsman of Guyanese origin, who plays for the West Indies cricket team.
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Wiki content for Shimron Hetmyer

Examples of in a sentence

Delhi Capitals' Keemo Paul, Shimron Hetmyer arrive in Dubai ahead of IPL
Listen Delhi Capitals' Keemo Paul, Shimron Hetmyer arrive in Dubai ahead of IPL pronunciation
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Keemo Paul, Shimron Hetmyer arrive in Dubai ahead of IPL
Listen Keemo Paul, Shimron Hetmyer arrive in Dubai ahead of IPL pronunciation
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Guyana Amazon Warriors bowlers impress again before Shimron Hetmyer aces chase
Listen Guyana Amazon Warriors bowlers impress again before Shimron Hetmyer aces chase pronunciation
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Shimron Hetmyer: 'I'm trying to just find my footing'
Listen Shimron Hetmyer: 'I'm trying to just find my footing' pronunciation
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Translations of Shimron Hetmyer

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Trending news on Shimron Hetmyer

Delhi Capitals' Keemo Paul, Shimron Hetmyer arrive in Dubai ahead of IPL
Listen Delhi Capitals' Keemo Paul, Shimron Hetmyer arrive in Dubai ahead of IPL pronunciation
Delhi Capitals' Keemo Paul, Shimron Hetmyer arrive in Dubai ahead of IPL Six-day quarantine likely for Australian players arriving for IPL from UK Samsung Galaxy M51’s new camera tech demoli..View article
image-unavailable Indiatimes
Keemo Paul, Shimron Hetmyer arrive in Dubai ahead of IPL
Listen Keemo Paul, Shimron Hetmyer arrive in Dubai ahead of IPL pronunciation
Dubai [UAE], September 13 (ANI): Delhi Capitals' Keemo Paul and Shimron Hetmyer on Sunday arrived in Dubai ahead of the upcoming edition of the Indian Premier League (IPL). The West Indies d..View article
image-unavailable Sify.com
Guyana Amazon Warriors bowlers impress again before Shimron Hetmyer aces chase
Listen Guyana Amazon Warriors bowlers impress again before Shimron Hetmyer aces chase pronunciation
A belligerent half-century from Shimron Hetmyer ensured there'd be no drama of the kind that briefly imperiled his side yesterday, and the Warriors got there at a canter in the end. Stifled..View article
image-unavailable ESPN
Shimron Hetmyer: 'I'm trying to just find my footing'
Listen Shimron Hetmyer: 'I'm trying to just find my footing' pronunciation
At No. 3, Shimron Hetmyer's name is currently written in pencil. Hetmyer is clearly the man West Indies want in that slot - he has not missed a T20I since August 2018, after all - but his pe..View article
ESPNcricinfo ESPNcricinfo

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Antonyms for Shimron Hetmyer

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