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Phonetic spelling of Shemaiah

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Meanings for Shemaiah

the "LORD" has heard
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A feminine name that is of Hebrew origin.
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Wiki content for Shemaiah

Shemaiah - Shemaiah, a name which in Hebrew (שמע-יה shema-Ya) means "God Heard", may refer to:
Shemaiah (prophet) - Shemaiah (Samaia in the Septuagint) was a prophet in the reign of Rehoboam (1 Kings 12:22-24). He is venerated as a saint in the liturgical calendar of the Eastern Orthodox Church on January
Shemaiah of Soissons - Shemaiah of Soissons was a Jewish scholar of the 12th century, a pupil of Rashi. He was the author of the following works:
Shemaiah Angel - Shemaiah Angel was a Jewish banker and philanthropist of Ottoman Damascus. He was a benefactor to his Jewish brethren in Ottoman Syria and to the inhabitants of Damascus.
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Examples of in a sentence

Shemaiah Thomas Blaylock
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Triple jumper Shemaiah James stronger for Commonwealth Games non-selection
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The vision of Micah Shemaiah
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Q: who changed (twisted) Rabbi Shemaiah’s (not arm) words?
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Shemaiah looks to Europe
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Translations of Shemaiah

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Trending news on Shemaiah

Brookmont names Shemaiah Sanders as director of nursing
Brookmont Healthcare & Rehabilitation Center has named Shemaiah Sanders, RN, as the facility’s new Director of Nursing. A native of Stroudsburg, Sanders has 24 years of experience in healthc..View article
Pocono Record Pocono Record
The vision of Micah Shemaiah
NOT one for the limelight, roots singer Micah Shemaiah enjoyed another fulfilling year under the radar in 2017. He expects more progress in 2018, using the same low-key method that has earne..View article
The Jamaica Observer The Jamaica Observer
Q: who changed (twisted) Rabbi Shemaiah’s (not arm) words?
https://www.google.com/search?q=pictures+of+women+fawning+over+Bill+Clinton&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjOoNeY7ZjXAhWJbiYKHaaDAgIQ_AUICigB&biw=1600&bih=794# ...
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Shemaiah looks to Europe
A new wave of Jamaican acts including singer Micah Shemaiah are looking to build on the legacy of pioneers like Bob Marley, Burning Spear and Culture. Shemaiah is scheduled to kick off a wee..View article
The Jamaica Observer The Jamaica Observer
Shemaiah Thomas Blaylock
The “crime” field includes a description provided by the Texas Department of Criminal Justice. The descriptions are manually entered and can vary between convictions for the same crime.
The Texas Tribune The Texas Tribune
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