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Pronunciation of Shelby with 6 audio pronunciations
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Phonetic spelling of Shelby

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Meanings for Shelby

Means willow farm
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It is a masculine name that is of English origin.
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Wiki content for Shelby

Shelby - Shelby may refer to:
Shelby Mustang - The Shelby Mustang is a high-performance variant of the Ford Mustang which was built by Shelby American from 1965 to 1968, and from 1969 to 1970 by Ford.
Shelby Daytona - The Shelby Daytona Coupe (also referred to as the Shelby Daytona Cobra Coupe) is an American sports-coupé.
Shelby County v. Holder - Shelby County v. Holder, 570 U.S. 529 (2013), is a landmark United States Supreme Court case regarding the constitutionality of two provisions of the Voting Rights Act of 1965: Section 5, whi
Shelby County, Tennessee - Shelby County is a county in the U.S. state of Tennessee. As of the 2010 census, the population was 927,644. It is the state's largest county both in terms of population and geographic area.
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Examples of in a sentence

Majority of those living in Shelby County say our public transit system is awful, according to survey
Listen Majority of those living in Shelby County say our public transit system is awful, according to survey pronunciation
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Shelby playing host to Coyote Classic through Saturday
Listen Shelby playing host to Coyote Classic through Saturday pronunciation
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Shelby H Phillips
Listen Shelby H Phillips pronunciation
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Reporter Update: Shelby Cassesse - Murray Avenue Shootout
Listen Reporter Update: Shelby Cassesse - Murray Avenue Shootout pronunciation
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Shelby grad Champer chosen 2019 Firefighter of the Year; Crow is EMT of the Year
Listen Shelby grad Champer chosen 2019 Firefighter of the Year; Crow is EMT of the Year pronunciation
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{{phrase.phrase }}
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Translations of Shelby

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Trending news on Shelby

Majority of those living in Shelby County say our public transit system is awful, according to survey
Listen Majority of those living in Shelby County say our public transit system is awful, according to survey pronunciation
SHELBY CO., Tenn. (localmemphis.com) – A new survey done by Shelby County Mayor Lee Harris shows the majority of people who live here think our public transit system is awful. That’s fresh m..View article
Local 24 News Local 24 News
Shelby grad Champer chosen 2019 Firefighter of the Year; Crow is EMT of the Year
Listen Shelby grad Champer chosen 2019 Firefighter of the Year; Crow is EMT of the Year pronunciation
MANSFIELD -- The Mansfield Fire Department has honored Pete Champer as the 2019 Firefighter of the Year. According to the department, the Shelby High School graduate's dedication to his care..View article
Richland Source Richland Source
Reporter Update: Shelby Cassesse - Murray Avenue Shootout
Listen Reporter Update: Shelby Cassesse - Murray Avenue Shootout pronunciation
KDKA's Shelby Cassesse spoke with some business owners in Squirrel Hill about safety and security after another attack on the Jewish community in that neighborhood. Reporter Update: Shelby ...View article
CBS Boston / WBZ CBS Boston / WBZ
Shelby H Phillips
Listen Shelby H Phillips pronunciation
Each person's story holds incredible value no matter their age. I am honored to work with children, teens, women, and families in the Franklin, Tennessee area. I specialize in play therapy,..View article
Psychology Today Psychology Today
Ford Offers Free Program To Teach You How To Drive Your Shelby GT500 Good
Listen Ford Offers Free Program To Teach You How To Drive Your Shelby GT500 Good pronunciation
The 2020 Ford Mustang Shelby GT500 is so fast, guys. Zoom! Whoosh! Power! Speed! Acceleration! All that zoom-whoosh-power-speed-acceleration might actually be too much for everyone. So there..View article
Jalopnik Jalopnik
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