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Pronunciation of Sharpless with 2 audio pronunciations
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Phonetic spelling of Sharpless

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Meanings for Sharpless

It is an English-originated surname that is used globally.
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Wiki content for Sharpless

Sharpless - Sharpless is a surname. Notable people with the surname include:
Sharpless asymmetric dihydroxylation - Sharpless asymmetric dihydroxylation (also called the Sharpless bishydroxylation) is the chemical reaction of an alkene with osmium tetroxide in the presence of a chiral quinine ligand to for
Sharpless epoxidation - The Sharpless epoxidation reaction is an enantioselective chemical reaction to prepare 2,3-epoxyalcohols from primary and secondary allylic alcohols.
Sharpless catalog - The Sharpless catalog is a list of 313 H II regions (emission nebulae) intended to be comprehensive north of declination −27°.
Sharpless oxyamination - The Sharpless oxyamination (often known as Sharpless aminohydroxylation) is the chemical reaction that converts an alkene to a vicinal amino alcohol.
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Examples of in a sentence

Dana Sharpless and Steve Sicherman Named Heads of Current Programming for 20th Century Fox TV
Listen Dana Sharpless and Steve Sicherman Named Heads of Current Programming for 20th Century Fox TV pronunciation
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Dana Sharpless, Steve Sicherman Upped at 20th Century Fox TV
Listen Dana Sharpless, Steve Sicherman Upped at 20th Century Fox TV pronunciation
0 rating rating ratings
20th Century Fox TV Taps Dana Sharpless & Steve Sicherman To Lead Current Programming
Listen 20th Century Fox TV Taps Dana Sharpless & Steve Sicherman To Lead Current Programming pronunciation
0 rating rating ratings
Remarks by Dr. Sharpless to the 2019 Biopharma Congress
Listen Remarks by Dr. Sharpless to the 2019 Biopharma Congress pronunciation
0 rating rating ratings
Statement on the return of Dr. Ned Sharpless as NCI Director
Listen Statement on the return of Dr. Ned Sharpless as NCI Director pronunciation
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{{phrase.phrase }}
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Trending news on Sharpless

Dana Sharpless and Steve Sicherman Named Heads of Current Programming for 20th Century Fox TV
Listen Dana Sharpless and Steve Sicherman Named Heads of Current Programming for 20th Century Fox TV pronunciation
Dana Sharpless and Steve Sicherman were put in charge of current programming for 20th Century Fox TV, the studio announced on Monday. In their expanded roles they will oversee a team of exec..View article
TheWrap TheWrap
Dana Sharpless, Steve Sicherman Upped at 20th Century Fox TV
Listen Dana Sharpless, Steve Sicherman Upped at 20th Century Fox TV pronunciation
Dana Sharpless and Steve Sicherman have been appointed to lead the current programming department of 20th Century Fox Television, looking after drama and comedy, respectively. Sicherman star..View article
World Screen World Screen
20th Century Fox TV Taps Dana Sharpless & Steve Sicherman To Lead Current Programming
Listen 20th Century Fox TV Taps Dana Sharpless & Steve Sicherman To Lead Current Programming pronunciation
20th Century Fox SVPs Dana Sharpless and Steve Sicherman have been named co-heads of the studio’s Current Programming department. They will succeed Carolyn Cassidy who was promoted to Presid..View article
Deadline.com Deadline.com
Remarks by Dr. Sharpless to the 2019 Biopharma Congress
Listen Remarks by Dr. Sharpless to the 2019 Biopharma Congress pronunciation
Good afternoon. I’m delighted to be with all of you today for this fourth annual Biopharma Congress. You’ve already heard from several of our distinguished center directors, as well as Dr. S..View article
image-unavailable Fda.gov
Statement on the return of Dr. Ned Sharpless as NCI Director
Listen Statement on the return of Dr. Ned Sharpless as NCI Director pronunciation
I am delighted to welcome back Dr. Ned Sharpless to NIH to resume the leadership of the National Cancer Institute (NCI), the job that brought him to Washington in 2017. Earlier this year, Ne..View article
PubMed PubMed
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