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Wiki content for Setareh

Setareh - Setareh (Persian: سِتاره‎) is a feminine given name of Persian origin meaning "star" or "fate". Its equivalent in Tajik is Sitora.
Setareh Eskandari - Setareh Eskandari (Persian: ستاره اسکندری‎, born June 15, 1974) is an Iranian actress.
Setareh Hosseini - Setareh Hosseini (Persian: ستاره حسینی‎, born on December 7, 1993 in Tehran) is an Iranian actress and photographer.
Setareh Pesyani - Setareh Pesyani (Persian: ستاره پسیانی‎, born July 9, 1982) is an Iranian actress. She is daughter of Atila Pesyani and Fatemeh Naghavi.
Setareh'yé Djéhane - Setareh'yé Djéhane was a Persian/French bilingual newspaper published from Teheran, Iran, founded in 1928. It was published daily, except on Saturdays.
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Examples of in a sentence

Café Setareh - Cast
Listen Café Setareh - Cast pronunciation
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Kim Kardashian impersonator Setareh Khatibi shows how to master the pout
Listen Kim Kardashian impersonator Setareh Khatibi shows how to master the pout pronunciation
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Mah O Setareh III
Listen Mah O Setareh III pronunciation
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Rebecca Setareh
Listen Rebecca Setareh pronunciation
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‘They Were Radical In the Best Sense of the Word’: Setareh Gallery Spotlights the Women of Abstract Expressionism
Listen ‘They Were Radical In the Best Sense of the Word’: Setareh Gallery Spotlights the Women of Abstract Expressionism pronunciation
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Trending news on Setareh

Kim Kardashian impersonator Setareh Khatibi shows how to master the pout
Listen Kim Kardashian impersonator Setareh Khatibi shows how to master the pout pronunciation
Setareh Khatibi, who is known as Silly Sitara on YouTube, has managed to master the mannerisms of the 34-year-old to hysterical effect, previously for her video on cleavage contouring, and n..View article
dailymail.co.uk dailymail.co.uk
Mah O Setareh III
Listen Mah O Setareh III pronunciation
? We raise our eyes toward the dance of the moon and stars, tracing patterns in the night sky with our fingers, believing we might bind them to our logic and order. But like children they ga..View article
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Setareh Ebrahimian
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Rebecca Setareh
Listen Rebecca Setareh pronunciation
As she brings together bronze and natural stone, Rebecca Setareh creates works at the crossroad between fantasy and reality. The melding of these two materials, one smooth and one coarse, ge..View article
Artnet Artnet
‘They Were Radical In the Best Sense of the Word’: Setareh Gallery Spotlights the Women of Abstract Expressionism
Listen ‘They Were Radical In the Best Sense of the Word’: Setareh Gallery Spotlights the Women of Abstract Expressionism pronunciation
Courtesy of Setareh Gallery. The hyper-masculine post-war mythology that’s often tied to Abstract Expressionism has long been recognized as a problematic historical narrative because it elid..View article
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