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Learn Serendipity pronunciation with video

    Video Pronunciation of Serendipity in English

    Phonetic spelling of Serendipity

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    ser-uh n-dip-i-tee
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    Meanings for Serendipity

    good luck in making unexpected and fortunate discoveries
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    Serendipity means pleasant surprise
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    Synonyms for Serendipity

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    Wiki content for Serendipity

    Serendipity - Serendipity is the occurrence of an unplanned fortunate discovery. Serendipity is a common occurrence throughout the history of product invention and scientific discovery.
    Serendipity (BTS song) - "Serendipity" is a song by South Korean boy band BTS, sung as a solo by member Jimin. It was originally released digitally as an introductory song on September 8, 2017 in the extended play Lo
    Serendipity (film) - Serendipity is a 2001 American romantic comedy film directed by Peter Chelsom, written by Marc Klein, and starring John Cusack and Kate Beckinsale.
    Serendipity 3 - Serendipity 3, often written Serendipity III, is a restaurant located at 225 East 60th Street, between Second and Third avenues in New York City, founded by Stephen Bruce in 1954. It also ser
    Serendipity (software) - Serendipity is a blog and web-based content management system written in PHP and available under a BSD license.
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    Examples of in a sentence

    Imagine, question, collaborate – curator insights on creativity from Serendipity Arts Festival 2019
    Listen Imagine, question, collaborate – curator insights on creativity from Serendipity Arts Festival 2019 pronunciation
    114 ratings rating ratings
    10 Surprising Facts About Serendipity
    106 ratings rating ratings
    ‘Serendipity’ TV Series Inspired By Movie In Works At NBC
    97 ratings rating ratings
    Free Stuff Frenzy: Day 3 Serendipity
    89 ratings rating ratings
    Ambassadors cut ribbon for Serendipity Bliss
    81 ratings rating ratings
    {{phrase.phrase }}
    Listen :word pronunciation {{phrase.phrase}}
    {{phrase.vote_count}} ratings rating rating ratings
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    Translations of Serendipity

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    Trending news on Serendipity

    Opening of academic year: ‘More scope for serendipity and masterful failures’
    Listen Opening of academic year: ‘More scope for serendipity and masterful failures’ pronunciation
    The fact that Wageningen University & Research wants to make an impact on society with science is beyond dispute, says President of the Executive
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    Serendipity found this little gem - Quiddles Cafe
    Listen Serendipity found this little gem - Quiddles Cafe pronunciation
    I was staying in Dorset for the bank holiday weekend and decided to just wander around, it was complete serendipity and I approached the manager of the restaurant and unfortunately he was co..View article
    tripadvisor.co.uk tripadvisor.co.uk
    Selena Gomez Brings A Sweet and Philanthropic Treat to Serendipity 3
    Listen Selena Gomez Brings A Sweet and Philanthropic Treat to Serendipity 3 pronunciation
    "My memories at Serendipity date back to when I was a kid, and I came to New York City for the first time. I've always loved this restaurant, and I am excited to celebrate its reopening by a..View article
    image-unavailable People en Español
    Bob Gorman appointed CEO of Serendipity Brands
    Listen Bob Gorman appointed CEO of Serendipity Brands pronunciation
    US-based premium ice cream company Serendipity Brands has recently appointed Bob Gorman as its new chief executive officer.
    FoodBev Media FoodBev Media
    Selena Gomez Creates Her Own Sundae With Iconic New York City Restaurant Serendipity3
    Listen Selena Gomez Creates Her Own Sundae With Iconic New York City Restaurant Serendipity3 pronunciation
    The new sundae comes just one year after award-winning singer, songwriter, actress and producer Selena Gomez became an owner, investor, and partner in Serendipity3 and Serendipity Brands.
    image-unavailable PR Newswire
    Listen :word pronunciation {{news_api.phrase.phrase}}
    {{news_api.provider[0]['name']}} {{news_api.provider[0]['name']}} image-unavailable {{news_api.provider[0]['name']}}
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