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Examples of in a sentence

Firefighters Rescue Man from Sepulveda Basin
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Brush fire in Sepulveda Basin burns 60 acres in San Fernando Valley; 80% containment
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There Could Be Toll Lanes Coming to the Sepulveda Pass
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Getty Fire Burns 618 Acres, Destroys 8 Homes After Erupting in Sepulveda Pass
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{{phrase.phrase }}
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Translations of Sepulveda

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Trending news on Sepulveda

SEPULVEDA - Jose A. Of Arcade, entered into rest November 4, 2019. Beloved husband of Judith (nee Small) Sepulveda; devoted father of Jennifer (Alexis) Beltree and Katherine Sepulveda; cheri..View article
The Buffalo News The Buffalo News
Firefighters Rescue Man from Sepulveda Basin
Firefighters Thursday rescued a man in distress from the Sepulveda Basin in Van Nuys, authorities said. It was reported at 1:36 a.m. in 3 to 6 feet of water in the flood control basin at 157..View article
MyNewsLA MyNewsLA
There Could Be Toll Lanes Coming to the Sepulveda Pass
The Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority is scheduled Thursday to vote on whether to fund a study on charging people to use its HOV lanes along the 405 Freeway through th..View article
NBC Los Angeles NBC Los Angeles
Brush fire in Sepulveda Basin burns 60 acres in San Fernando Valley; 80% containment
Brush fire in Sepulveda Basin burns 60 acres in San Fernando Valley; 80% containment The fire erupted just before 4:30 p.m. on Thursday near the 5600 block of North ...
The Desert Sun The Desert Sun
Getty Fire Erupts In Sepulveda Pass, Thousands Ordered To Evacuate: ‘Get The Hell Out’
LATEST CLOSURES AND EVACUATIONS | UPDATES | WEATHER COVERAGE | REAL-TIME EVACUATION MAP BRENTWOOD (CBSLA) — A fast-moving wildfire which broke out on a hillside on the west side of the 405 F..View article
image-unavailable CBS Los Angeles
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