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International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)
IPA : ˈseɪvɪŋ
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    Meanings for saving

    savings deposit
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    life saving equipment
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    saving grace
    Listen saving grace pronunciation
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    saving money
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    saving souls
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    Examples of in a sentence

    Pennsylvania House committee advances bills to end private funding of elections and ‘madness’ of Daylight Saving Time
    Listen Pennsylvania House committee advances bills to end private funding of elections and ‘madness’ of Daylight Saving Time pronunciation
    0 rating rating ratings
    4 simple rules for retirement saving
    0 rating rating ratings
    UN says over 3 million in Myanmar need “life-saving” aid
    Listen UN says over 3 million in Myanmar need “life-saving” aid pronunciation
    0 rating rating ratings
    Brighter mornings and darker afternoons on the way as Daylight Saving Time ends Sunday
    Listen Brighter mornings and darker afternoons on the way as Daylight Saving Time ends Sunday pronunciation
    0 rating rating ratings
    Pritzker signs ban on using moral objections to avoid ‘life-saving’ COVID-19 requirements — an amendment GOP called ‘atrocious’
    Listen Pritzker signs ban on using moral objections to avoid ‘life-saving’ COVID-19 requirements — an amendment GOP called ‘atrocious’ pronunciation
    0 rating rating ratings
    {{phrase.phrase }}
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    Trending news on saving

    Pennsylvania House committee advances bills to end private funding of elections and ‘madness’ of Daylight Saving Time
    Listen Pennsylvania House committee advances bills to end private funding of elections and ‘madness’ of Daylight Saving Time pronunciation
    Two different bills — one that would banish Daylight Saving Time in Pennsylvania and another that would banish the use of private money to fund county elections — were in a laundry list of p..View article
    Morning Call PA Morning Call PA
    Brighter mornings and darker afternoons on the way as Daylight Saving Time ends Sunday
    Listen Brighter mornings and darker afternoons on the way as Daylight Saving Time ends Sunday pronunciation
    Get ready for sunnier mornings and an extra hour of sleep, as Daylight Saving Time is set to end at 2 a.m. Sunday.
    UPI.com UPI.com
    Pritzker signs ban on using moral objections to avoid ‘life-saving’ COVID-19 requirements — an amendment GOP called ‘atrocious’
    Listen Pritzker signs ban on using moral objections to avoid ‘life-saving’ COVID-19 requirements — an amendment GOP called ‘atrocious’ pronunciation
    The Health Care Right of Conscience Act was originally designed to protect health care providers who refused to perform medical procedures — such as abortions — that they’re opposed to. The..View article
    Chicago Sun-Times Chicago Sun-Times
    An Astroworld concert victim died saving his fiancée from the crowd surge, his family says
    Listen An Astroworld concert victim died saving his fiancée from the crowd surge, his family says pronunciation
    Danish Baig, a 27-year-old at the concert, was trampled to death while helping his fiancée avoid the rush of concertgoers on Friday night.
    INSIDER on MSN.com INSIDER on MSN.com
    A Firefighter's Entire Routine, from Prepping Equipment to Saving Lives
    Listen A Firefighter's Entire Routine, from Prepping Equipment to Saving Lives pronunciation
    "The most rewarding part of my job is being able to help the public." Fire Captain Maria "Peggy" Diaz shares her entire routine—including her fitness and wellness practices while pulling a 2..View article
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