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Phonetic spelling of Savary

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Meanings for Savary

A unisex surname that is of French origin and means power.
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Wiki content for Savary

Savary - Savary may refer to;
Savary Island - Savary Island is an island in British Columbia, Canada. Located in the northern part of the Strait of Georgia, it is 144 kilometres (89 mi) northwest of Vancouver.
Savary 1910 biplane - The Savary 1910 biplane was a French sports aircraft built in the early 1910s.
Savary Hydroaéroplane - The Hydroaéroplane Savary was a French floatplane built in the early 1910s.
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Examples of in a sentence

SEMAFO and Savary announce non binding LoI for acquisition of Savary by SEMAFO
Listen SEMAFO and Savary announce non binding LoI for acquisition of Savary by SEMAFO pronunciation
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It is noteworthy that though Napoleon at times sought to shift the responsibility for this deed on Talley-rand or Savary, yet during his voyage to St Helena, as also in his will, he frankly avowed his responsibility for it and asserted that in the like circumstances he would do the same again.
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Envoy, General Savary, to lure him by specious promises to the frontier, and across it to Bayonne, where he was confronted with his parents and Godoy in a scene of pitiful degradation.
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Alpha Councilman Savary's sentencing is postponed
Listen Alpha Councilman Savary's sentencing is postponed pronunciation
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Semafo mulls Savary Gold shares purchase
Listen Semafo mulls Savary Gold shares purchase pronunciation
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Trending news on Savary

SEMAFO and Savary announce non binding LoI for acquisition of Savary by SEMAFO
Listen SEMAFO and Savary announce non binding LoI for acquisition of Savary by SEMAFO pronunciation
SEMAFO Inc and Savary Gold Corp announced that they have entered into a non-binding letter of intent contemplating the acquisition by SEMAFO of all of the outstanding common shares of Savary..View article
Steel News Steel News
Alpha Councilman Savary's sentencing is postponed
Listen Alpha Councilman Savary's sentencing is postponed pronunciation
ALPHA — Councilman Michael Savary's sentencing was rescheduled for Friday, Dec. 13, according to the Warren County Prosecutor's Office. Prosecutor Richard Burke initially said that Savary wo..View article
NJ.com NJ.com
Richard Savary rebounds from "tire-gate" to win Valenti Modified Racing Series race at Thompson International Speedway
Thompson, CT: Good things come to those who wait. After four previous attempts, the Valenti Modified Racing Series got their 75-lap feature in at Thompson Speedway with Richard Savary taking..View article
MassLive MassLive
Semafo mulls Savary Gold shares purchase
Listen Semafo mulls Savary Gold shares purchase pronunciation
TSX-listed gold miner Semafo and TSX-V-listed Savary Gold have entered into a nonbinding letter of intent (LoI) contemplating the acquisition by Semafo of all the outstanding common shares o..View article
Mining Weekly Mining Weekly
SEMAFO and Savary Gold join forces to expand in Burkina Faso
Listen SEMAFO and Savary Gold join forces to expand in Burkina Faso pronunciation
SEMAFO (TSX: SMF) (OMX: SMF) and Savary Gold (TSX-V: SCA) announced today that they have entered into a definitive combination agreement pursuant to which SEMAFO will acquire all of the issu..View article
Mining Mining
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