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Pronunciation of Samayra with 4 audio pronunciations
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Phonetic spelling of Samayra

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Meanings for Samayra

It's a feminine given name which means " "Looking to the Mountain for adventure" of Jewish origin.
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Wiki content for Samayra

Samay Raj Thakkar - Samay Raj Thakkar (born 21 March 1966) is an Indian actor and voice actor who specialises in dubbing foreign media in the Hindi language.
Samurai - Samurai (侍, ) were the hereditary military nobility and officer caste of medieval and early-modern Japan from the 12th century to their abolition in the 1870s.
Samara - Samara (Russian: Сама́ра, IPA: [sɐˈmarə]), known from 1935 to 1991 as Kuybyshev (Куйбышев; IPA: [ˈkujbɨʂɨf]), is the ninth largest city in Russia and the administrative center of Samara Oblas
Samara Weaving - Samara Weaving (born 23 February 1992) is an Australian actress and model. She began her acting career on the television series Out of the Blue (2008) and came to further prominence with her
Samarra - Samarra (Arabic: سَامَرَّاء‎, Sāmarrāʾ) is a city in Iraq. It stands on the east bank of the Tigris in the Saladin Governorate, 125 kilometers (78 mi) north of Baghdad.
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Examples of in a sentence

Group show at Samayra Studio/Gallery
Listen Group show at Samayra Studio/Gallery pronunciation
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Blacktown Hospital newborn Samayra Ghosh helps bolster Australia’s population to 24 million
Listen Blacktown Hospital newborn Samayra Ghosh helps bolster Australia’s population to 24 million pronunciation
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Trending news on Samayra

Blacktown Hospital newborn Samayra Ghosh helps bolster Australia’s population to 24 million
Listen Blacktown Hospital newborn Samayra Ghosh helps bolster Australia’s population to 24 million pronunciation
SAMAYRA Ghosh, born in Blacktown Hospital, is one of the latest residents pushing Australia’s population to over 24 million. And parents Shramana and Soumyajeet couldn’t be prouder of their..View article
The Daily Telegraph The Daily Telegraph
Group show at Samayra Studio/Gallery
Listen Group show at Samayra Studio/Gallery pronunciation
Santa Fe-based artist Samayra Sinclaire opens a group show of works by Armand Lara, Dana Chodzko, herself, and others at her studio/gallery. The former Virginia native works in a variety of..View article
The Santa Fe New Mexican The Santa Fe New Mexican

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Antonyms for Samayra

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Translations of Samayra

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