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IPA : ˈrʌʃə
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    Meanings for russia

    It is a country in eastern Europe and Northern Asia that has a high population rate. Moscow is the capital and the largest city in the country. The major tourist attractions here are Lake Baikal, The Moscow Kremlin among others.
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    Examples of in a sentence

    China, Russia to Build International Lunar Research Station
    Listen China, Russia to Build International Lunar Research Station pronunciation
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    Russia and China agree to build joint lunar space station ...
    Listen Russia and China agree to build joint lunar space station ... pronunciation
    0 rating rating ratings
    Russia to host Afghanistan meet ‘to advance inter-Afghan ...
    Listen Russia to host Afghanistan meet ‘to advance inter-Afghan ... pronunciation
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    Russia and China agree to build joint lunar space station
    Listen Russia and China agree to build joint lunar space station pronunciation
    0 rating rating ratings
    China and Russia to build lunar space station
    Listen China and Russia to build lunar space station pronunciation
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    Translations of russia

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    Trending news on russia

    China, Russia to Build International Lunar Research Station
    Listen China, Russia to Build International Lunar Research Station pronunciation
    (Yicai Global) March 10 -- China and Russia will jointly build a space station on the moon to explore the natural satellite. Zhang Kejian, head of the China National Space Administration, an..View article
    Yicai Global Yicai Global
    Planetary pact: China and Russia to launch lunar space ...
    Listen Planetary pact: China and Russia to launch lunar space ... pronunciation
    Though Moscow was once at the forefront of space travel, it has been eclipsed by China and the United States in recent years.
    The Hindu The Hindu
    China and Russia unveil joint plan for lunar space station ...
    Listen China and Russia unveil joint plan for lunar space station ... pronunciation
    Russian space agency Roscomos and Chinese counterpart CNSA to develop research facilities on surface of moon or in its orbit
    The Guardian The Guardian
    China and Russia unveil plans for science station on moon
    Listen China and Russia unveil plans for science station on moon pronunciation
    China and Russia announced plans to build an 'International Scientific Lunar Station' on the moon, in its orbit, or both, in a joint statement by the Chinese National Space Administration an..View article
    EUobserver EUobserver
    Russia to Fund Sirik Power Plant in Iran
    Listen Russia to Fund Sirik Power Plant in Iran pronunciation
    Sirik Power Plant is estimated to cost USD 1.4 billion. The Russian side has agreed to put up 85% of the cost and the rest will be paid by Iran's Bank of Industry and Mine. The plant will be..View article
    Steel News Steel News
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