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Phonetic spelling of Roxan

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Meanings for Roxan

A surname that is of English origin.
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Wiki content for Roxan

Roxann Dawson - Roxann Dawson (née Caballero, born September 11, 1958), also credited as Roxann Biggs and Roxann Biggs-Dawson, is an American actress, producer, director, and writer best known for playing B'
Roxanne Modafferi - Roxanne Vincenta Modafferi (born September 24, 1982) is an American mixed martial artist currently signed to the UFC.
Roxane Gay - Roxane Gay (born October 15, 1974) is an American writer, professor, editor, and commentator. She is the author of The New York Times best-selling essay collection Bad Feminist (2014), as wel
Roxanne (The Police song) - "Roxanne" is a song by English rock band The Police. The song was written by lead singer and bassist Sting and was released in April 1978 as a single from their debut album Outlandos d'Amour.
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Examples of Roxan in a sentence

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