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Pronunciation of Rountree with 4 audio pronunciations
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Phonetic spelling of Rountree

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Meanings for Rountree

It refers to the surname of "Khalil Ibn Rountree Jr" an American mixed martial artist who is currently playing for the division "Ultimate Fighting Championship"
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Wiki content for Rountree

Rountree - Rountree is a surname. Notable people with the surname include:
Rountree Township, Montgomery County, Illinois - Rountree Township (T10N R3W) is located in Montgomery County, Illinois, United States. As of the 2010 census, its population was 240 and it contained 111 housing units.
Rountree, Springfield - Rountree is an affluent neighborhood in central Springfield, Missouri. The neighborhood's borders are marked by Missouri State University to the west, Glenstone Avenue to the east, Catalpa St
Rountree Family Farm - Rountree Family Farm, also known as the Alfred Patrick Rountree Farm, is a historic farm complex located near Gatesville, Gates County, North Carolina.
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Examples of in a sentence

Rountree: Willis Creek project still possible but cost going up
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Translations of Rountree

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Synonyms for Rountree

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