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Wiki content for rosalie

Rosalie - Rosalie may refer to:
Rosalie Ham - Rosalie Ham (born 1955) is an Australian author, stage and radio play writer. She is best known for her debut novel, The Dressmaker, which has been adapted into film with Kate Winslet in the
Rosalie Sorrels - Rosalie Sorrels (June 24, 1933 – June 11, 2017) was an American folk singer-songwriter. She began her public career as a singer and collector of traditional folksongs in the late 1950s.
Rosalie Favell - Rosalie Favell (born 1958) is a Métis (Cree/English) artist from Winnipeg, Manitoba currently based in Ottawa, Ontario, working with photography and digital collage techniques.
Rosalie Slaughter Morton - Rosalie Slaughter Morton, M.D. (October 28, 1876 – May 5, 1968), born Blanche Rosalie Slaughter, was an American physician and surgeon.
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However, we will be happy to accept obituaries from family members pending proper verification of the death. Rosalie Erhard Photo CHAMPAIGN — Rosalie Eileen Erhard of Champaign passed away o..View article
The News-Gazette The News-Gazette
Carol Lee (Slaughter) Bonneau, age 74, of Rosalie, Nebraska
Listen Carol Lee (Slaughter) Bonneau, age 74, of Rosalie, Nebraska pronunciation
Carol Lee (Slaughter) Bonneau, age 74, of Rosalie, Nebraska passed away on Sunday, November 17, 2019, at Legacy Garden and Rehabilitation and Living Center in Pender, NE. Funeral services wi..View article
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Rosalie (also written as “Rosa Lee” and “Rosalee”) Aileen Ferguson was born on March 8, 1896, in the small community of Evans in the southwest corner of Chatham County, N.C., to John Thomas..View article
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Rosalie Davis
Listen Rosalie Davis pronunciation
AUSTIN, Texas — Rosalie Aabel Davis, 85, of Austin, formerly of Minden, Neb., died Tuesday, Nov. 5, 2019 in Texas. Graveside services will be at 11:30 a.m. Monday at Minden Cemetery with the..View article
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HUMPHRIS, Rosalie Evelyn.
Listen HUMPHRIS, Rosalie Evelyn. pronunciation
A NOTE ABOUT RELEVANT ADVERTISING: We collect information about the content (including ads) you use across this site and use it to make both advertising and content more relevant to you on o..View article
image-unavailable The Weekly Times
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