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Phonetic spelling of Rokas

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Meanings for Rokas

A male name that is of Lithuanian origin.
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Wiki content for Rokas

Rokas Giedraitis - Rokas Giedraitis (born August 16, 1992) is a Lithuanian professional basketball player for Alba Berlin of the Basketball Bundesliga and the EuroLeague.
Rokas Šliūpas - Rokas Šliūpas (2 June 1865 – 26 May 1959) was a Lithuanian physician, co-founder and chairman of the Lithuanian Red Cross from 1919 to 1932. Educated in Saint Petersburg and Moscow, Šliūpas b
Rokas Žilinskas - Rokas Žilinskas (20 July 1972 – 6 June 2017) was a Lithuanian journalist and politician. He was elected to the Seimas in 2008 and was a member of the Lithuanian Parliament until his death.
Rokas Jokubaitis - Rokas Jokubaitis (born 19 November 2000) is a Lithuanian professional basketball player for BC Žalgiris of the Lithuanian Basketball League (LKL).
Rokas Group - Rokas Group is one of the leading Greek engineering companies, founded in 1958. Traditionally, its main activity has been electromechanical projects, including design, construction and instal
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