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Pronunciation of riposte with 3 audio pronunciations
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International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)
IPA : rɪˈpəʊst
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Meanings for riposte

A term in fencing.
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A quick and good comeback to a criticism or bad remark.
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Synonyms for riposte

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Antonyms for riposte

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Examples of in a sentence

Bitcoin Price Forecast: BTC/USD bulls manage a weak riposte after a sluggish Friday
Listen Bitcoin Price Forecast: BTC/USD bulls manage a weak riposte after a sluggish Friday pronunciation
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Riposte x Amnesty International UK 'Protection' Exhibition
Listen Riposte x Amnesty International UK 'Protection' Exhibition pronunciation
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Jose Mourinho issues four-minute riposte after Paul Merson claims Harry Kane could leave Tottenham
Listen Jose Mourinho issues four-minute riposte after Paul Merson claims Harry Kane could leave Tottenham pronunciation
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Leeds United trophy is Marcelo Bielsa's riposte to burnout and smoke-seller critics
Listen Leeds United trophy is Marcelo Bielsa's riposte to burnout and smoke-seller critics pronunciation
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Forgotten Favourites: Within Our Gates, Oscar Micheaux’s powerful riposte to The Birth of a Nation
Listen Forgotten Favourites: Within Our Gates, Oscar Micheaux’s powerful riposte to The Birth of a Nation pronunciation
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{{phrase.phrase }}
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Trending news on riposte

Manchester City serve up football d’escalier, the perfect riposte a little too late | Barney Ronay
Listen Manchester City serve up football d’escalier, the perfect riposte a little too late | Barney Ronay pronunciation
L’esprit de l’escalier describes that moment on the stairs when you think of exactly the right witty riposte, just 10 minutes too late.There was something of that spirit here on an engrossin..View article
image-unavailable Football
Zafar Gohar, Bilal Asif lead Central Punjab's strong riposte
Listen Zafar Gohar, Bilal Asif lead Central Punjab's strong riposte pronunciation
After succumbing to Nauman Ali's eight-fer on the opening day, Central Punjab spinners' fired a fitting riposte, one that fetched them a handy 35-run first innings lead. Northern, who'd adde..View article
CricBuzz CricBuzz
Gill leads India A's riposte with century
Listen Gill leads India A's riposte with century pronunciation
After the second day got washed out without a ball being bowled, the Bert Sutcliffe Oval in Lincoln saw two centuries being completed on Day 3 as Shubman Gill led India's fine riposte to New..View article
CricBuzz CricBuzz
Bitcoin Price Forecast: BTC/USD bulls manage a weak riposte after a sluggish Friday
Listen Bitcoin Price Forecast: BTC/USD bulls manage a weak riposte after a sluggish Friday pronunciation
Bitcoin (BTC/USD) has entered a phase of consolidation after reversing sharply from the late-Saturday spike to $9195.19 highs. The choppy trend is likely to extend until a fresh volatility w..View article
FXStreet FXStreet
Riposte x Amnesty International UK 'Protection' Exhibition
Listen Riposte x Amnesty International UK 'Protection' Exhibition pronunciation
Friendly warning! We're working hard to be accurate. But these are unusual times, so please check that events are still happening. Celebrate the 70th anniversary of the declaration of human..View article
Time Out Time Out
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