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Pronunciation of rig with 3 audio pronunciations
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International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)
IPA : rɪg
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Meanings for rig

gear (including necessary machinery) for a particular enterprise
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formation of masts, spars, sails, on a vessel
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equip with sails, masts
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etc.,connect or secure to
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Wiki content for rig

Examples of in a sentence

Australian offshore drilling rig leaks oil, could take weeks to plug
Listen Australian offshore drilling rig leaks oil, could take weeks to plug pronunciation
22 ratings rating ratings
North Sea oil rig evacuated in security alert
Listen North Sea oil rig evacuated in security alert pronunciation
21 ratings rating ratings
Tropical storm Richard forms, drifts towards Honduras
Listen Tropical storm Richard forms, drifts towards Honduras pronunciation
19 ratings rating ratings
Five kidnapped from Nigerian oil rig
Listen Five kidnapped from Nigerian oil rig pronunciation
17 ratings rating ratings
Sudanese president sworn in to another term
Listen Sudanese president sworn in to another term pronunciation
15 ratings rating ratings
{{phrase.phrase }}
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{{phrase.vote_count}} ratings rating rating ratings
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Translations of rig

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Trending news on rig

Southbound lanes of Interstate 35 near Loop 410 reopen after big rig rollover on South Side
Listen Southbound lanes of Interstate 35 near Loop 410 reopen after big rig rollover on South Side pronunciation
The southbound lanes of Interstate 35 near Loop 410 on the South Side are closed Wednesday morning due to a wreck.
The Oil Rig Bar & Grill opens in Bremen and highlights breakfast and burgers
Listen The Oil Rig Bar & Grill opens in Bremen and highlights breakfast and burgers pronunciation
Greg Rowe opened the new business about five weeks ago. The name of his business stems from Bremen's history with the oil business.
Lancaster Eagle-Gazette on MSN.com Lancaster Eagle-Gazette on MSN.com
I-80 reopens over Donner Summit after crash involving big rig
Listen I-80 reopens over Donner Summit after crash involving big rig pronunciation
A crash involving a big rig near Donner Summit forced the closure of eastbound Interstate 80. It happened just before 11:00 p.m. Monday night. The road is closed at Castle Peak. There is no..View article
KOLO TV on MSN.com KOLO TV on MSN.com
Driver is killed when car crashes into parked big rig in Van Nuys
Listen Driver is killed when car crashes into parked big rig in Van Nuys pronunciation
The driver of a car was killed early Monday morning when it crashed into the back of a parked big rig in Van Nuys.
Los Angeles Daily News Los Angeles Daily News
The Surprising Foodstuff Behind Cristiano Ronaldo's Impressive Rig
Listen The Surprising Foodstuff Behind Cristiano Ronaldo's Impressive Rig pronunciation
Say what you want about Cristiano Ronaldo, but, at 36, he still has one of the most enviable physiques in all of sport. That's obviously down to years of training, eating and recovering corr..View article
Men's Health on MSN.com Men's Health on MSN.com
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