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International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)
IPA : ˈrevərənd
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Meanings for reverend

a title of respect for a clergyman
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Antonyms for reverend

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Examples of in a sentence

Northern Irish politician Reverend Ian Paisley dies aged 88
42 ratings rating ratings
Scotland's First Minister does comedy sketch for charity
Listen Scotland's First Minister does comedy sketch for charity pronunciation
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Helpline: Do you know this pianist?
Listen Helpline: Do you know this pianist? pronunciation
36 ratings rating ratings
Ipswich, England serial murders to be adapted into 'musical'
Listen Ipswich, England serial murders to be adapted into 'musical' pronunciation
33 ratings rating ratings
President Obama names 16 recipients of the 2009 Presidential Medal of Freedom
Listen President Obama names 16 recipients of the 2009 Presidential Medal of Freedom pronunciation
30 ratings rating ratings
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Trending news on reverend

Daunte Wright – Reverend Al Sharpton joins grieving family and friends at wake for 20-year-old shot dead by cop
Listen Daunte Wright – Reverend Al Sharpton joins grieving family and friends at wake for 20-year-old shot dead by cop pronunciation
ELEVEN days after Duane Wright was fatally shot by a Minnesota cop, his body lied in a casket inside Shiloh Temple International Ministries as a familiar clergyman spoke to the gathered crow..View article
image-unavailable The Sun
For The Reverend Michelle Higgins, Activism And Pastoral Care Go Hand-In-Hand
Listen For The Reverend Michelle Higgins, Activism And Pastoral Care Go Hand-In-Hand pronunciation
For the Reverend Michelle Higgins, pastoral work shares deep ties with social justice activism. The self described “protestor who has become a pastor” is the first Black woman to permanently..View article
Newark Reverend Fuses Faith and Science to Fight COVID Pandemic
Listen Newark Reverend Fuses Faith and Science to Fight COVID Pandemic pronunciation
The Rev. Dr. Ronald Slaughter has delivered virtual sermons from his empty church in Newark since the COVID-19 pandemic began.
TAPinto TAPinto
Bay City Roller Pat McGlynn writes single for American Reverend and DJ
Listen Bay City Roller Pat McGlynn writes single for American Reverend and DJ pronunciation
BAY City Roller Pat McGlynn has written a single for a dog-collar- wearing American DJ. Pat, 63, penned the tune with wife Janine, 59, to raise cash for charity Seva, which helps visually im..View article
The Scottish Sun The Scottish Sun
GIVEN SOME of Mark Twain’s comments about his novel The Adventures of Tom Sawyer (1876), it is somewhat surprising that the structure of the work has been the focus of many substantive artic..View article
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