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IPA : rɪˈvɪə
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Examples of in a sentence

Rare EF2 tornado hits Revere, Massachusetts
Listen Rare EF2 tornado hits Revere, Massachusetts pronunciation
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Clashes leave 21 dead in Thai capital
Listen Clashes leave 21 dead in Thai capital pronunciation
70 ratings rating ratings
Minuteman bike path iced out through Arlington after 4th snowiest winter on record
Listen Minuteman bike path iced out through Arlington after 4th snowiest winter on record pronunciation
65 ratings rating ratings
Suicide bomber at US base in Afghanistan was al-Qaeda double agent
Listen Suicide bomber at US base in Afghanistan was al-Qaeda double agent pronunciation
59 ratings rating ratings
Renowned Indian guru Śrī Satya Sai Baba dies aged 84
Listen Renowned Indian guru Śrī Satya Sai Baba dies aged 84 pronunciation
54 ratings rating ratings
{{phrase.phrase }}
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Trending news on revere

Paul Revere, Beyond the Midnight Ride
Listen, my children, and you shall hear of more than the midnight ride of Paul Revere. A lot more. You will hear that Revere was a maker as well as a messenger — a silversmith, a coppersmith..View article
nytimes.com nytimes.com
Chris Cusolito leads No. 1 Melrose to 41-7 pasting of previously unbeaten Revere
Cusolito rushed for 201 yards and had four total touchdowns as No. 1 Melrose cruised past previously unbeaten Revere, 41-7, to win the Div. 4 North crown in front of a full house at Melrose..View article
Boston Herald Boston Herald
Paul Revere
Paul Revere was born in Boston’s North End at the end of 1734 (the exact date is unknown) to a French Huguenot father who ran a silversmith shop and a mother from a local family. The young R..View article
History History
New and Improved Leads Chad Brown Duo in Mrs. Revere
Trainer Chad Brown has entered a pair of 3-year-old fillies to compete in the $300,000 Mrs. Revere Stakes (G2T) Nov. 29 at Churchill Downs. Though his two are the lightest raced of 14 sophom..View article
The Blood-Horse The Blood-Horse
A Revere city councilor threatened to ‘beat the s*** out of’ one of his critics during a meeting
Revere’s politics have gotten rather messy ahead of the city’s elections next Tuesday. And the tensions particularly came to the surface this week. During a City Council meeting Monday night..View article
Boston.com Boston.com
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