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Pronunciation of reuter with 3 audio pronunciations
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International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)
IPA : ˈrɔɪtər
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Phonetic spelling of reuter

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Meanings for reuter

It is a surname that is of German origin.
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Quiz on reuter


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Wiki content for reuter

Reuter - Reuter or Reutter may refer to the following people:
Reuters - Reuters () is an international news organization owned by Thomson Reuters. Until 2008, the Reuters news agency formed part of an independent company, Reuters Group plc, which was also a provi
Reuters Group - Reuters Group plc was a British multinational media and financial information company headquartered in London, United Kingdom.
Reuter Ministry - The Reuter Ministry was the government in office in Luxembourg from 28 September 1918 until 20 March 1925. It resulted from the Chamber elections of 28 July and 4 August 1918 and was reshuffl
Reuterin - Reuterin (3-hydroxypropionaldehyde) is the organic compound with the formula HOCH2CH2CHO. It is a bifunctional molecule, containing both a hydroxy and aldehyde functional groups.
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Examples of in a sentence

Thomson Corporation and Reuters agree to merge
Listen Thomson Corporation and Reuters agree to merge pronunciation
83 ratings rating ratings
Reports: Taliban leader Mullah Dadullah killed in Afghanistan
Listen Reports: Taliban leader Mullah Dadullah killed in Afghanistan pronunciation
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Explosives investigation at US Embassy in Chile; Pakistani man detained
Listen Explosives investigation at US Embassy in Chile; Pakistani man detained pronunciation
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Khmer Rouge "Butcher" dies ahead of trial
Listen Khmer Rouge "Butcher" dies ahead of trial pronunciation
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Harp seal hunt approved by Canada, activists call for boycott of Canadian seafood
Listen Harp seal hunt approved by Canada, activists call for boycott of Canadian seafood pronunciation
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{{phrase.phrase }}
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Translations of reuter

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