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Pronunciation of reevaluate with 1 audio pronunciations
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International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)
IPA : riːɪˈvæljʊeɪt
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Phonetic spelling of reevaluate

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Meanings for reevaluate

Reevaluate is a verb that means to judge or calculate the value, quality, importance, or amount of something again.
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Synonyms for reevaluate

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Examples of in a sentence

LONDON (Reuters) - The euro bounced from a 28-month low and yields of debt from the euro zone's indebted southern states rose after European Central Bank chief Mario Draghi said the bank would reevaluate the case for more stimulus next year
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By Marcy Nicholson and Jan Harvey NEW YORK/LONDON (Reuters) - Gold pared losses on Thursday as the euro rebounded against the dollar after European Central Bank chief Mario Draghi said the bank would reevaluate
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regulators expect Internet service providers to sue the government over any changes in the way they are regulated and must reevaluate any proposals to make sure they stand up in court, Federal Communications Commission Chairman Tom Wheeler said at a meeting on Friday
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payrolls data due on Friday (Updates prices; adds comment, second byline, NEW YORK dateline) By Marcy Nicholson and Jan Harvey NEW YORK/LONDON, Dec 4 (Reuters) - Gold pared losses on Thursday as the euro rebounded against the dollar after European Central Bank chief Mario Draghi said the bank would
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WASHINGTON - US regulators expect Internet service providers to sue the government over any changes in the way they are regulated and must reevaluate any proposals to make sure they stand up in court, Federal Communications Commission Chairman Tom Wheeler said at a meeting on Friday
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